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  1. M

    What Shall I Do Now

    that was an older pic b4 they died
  2. M

    What Shall I Do Now

    these are the two fish that i have left
  3. M

    What Shall I Do Now

    the shark never attacked any other fish he is very old and i only got him 2 years ago and all he ever does is sit in a barrel and eat fish food :lol:
  4. M

    What Shall I Do Now

    yes sorry the tank has been going strong for 6 years now with reagular water changes and tests all is ok with the tank it just needs som fish I just didnt have that much time on my hands with a four year old and a new baby!!!
  5. M

    What Shall I Do Now

    36 gallons what do you mean by cycled
  6. M

    What Shall I Do Now

    ive got a large tank with 2 fish in it and i want to add more the fish in it are red tail shark and a sucking loach, the fish that were in it were guppys, neons etc, i used to breed guppies but after falling pregant my self and having my daughter i have let the tank empty, but my daughter is now...
  7. M

    im board i cant find a tape mesure but heres a pic i hope it works
  8. M

    im board

    Ive got a very large tank and some very old fish (other than the guppie babys the others are a good few years old, the babys are all of to new homes soon) and i want to try somthing new to spice things up in my tank. I done the whole live bearing thing and i want to do something new any ideas...