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  1. SwimmieSue

    Away for three days

    Hi Fish Family. I'm going away for three days. I feed my fish flakes in the morning, and dried bloodworms in the evening. Will they be alright if I'm away?
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  3. SwimmieSue

    Fish keep dying

    Thank you for your reply. There were only two or three fish in the tank at a time. I see from the responses that 3 gallons is just not sufficient room particularly for schooling fish which I like. I don't want shrimp or betta. I have a filter and a heater and lights. Temperature is around 78. I...
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  5. SwimmieSue

    Fish keep dying

    I have a Laqual iron glass 3 gallon that I have had two guppies in then two danios then two tiger barbs and now to neon tetras. It's only been two at a time. My ammonia level is nothing my nitrates and nitrites are barely anything I have soft water and I do do partial water changes and use drop...
  6. SwimmieSue

    Diatoms/brown algae

    I usually take the plants out and clean them and clean the sides of the glass and the rocks with a brush and put everything back in. And then do a partial water change.
  7. SwimmieSue

    Diatoms/brown algae

    I have had my tank running since November. It is a small tank with adequate plants and three leopard danios. One nerites snail. How can I clean the glass the rocks in the plants the best?
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  9. SwimmieSue

    'dancing' Harlequin Rasboras?

    I just got two new harlequin rasboras and they are following each other in circles and twitching together. They are not nipping and seem to like each other's company. These are my first Galaxy or harlequin rasporas. They look happy and most of this occurs near the bottom of the tank. Anyone...
  10. SwimmieSue

    New here!

    I only have about 20" long of an area. And this tank was extra narrow so it was perfect.
  11. SwimmieSue

    New here!

    Oh no...they swim all day. Can they adjust?
  12. SwimmieSue

    New here!

    See photo today.
  13. SwimmieSue

    New here!

    Two leopard Danios. 3 gallon iron glass
  14. SwimmieSue

    New here!

    Hello fishy Friends, My little tank in healthy and a home to two Leopard Danios so far. I will add a pic soon. I feel so happy to have these little fast swimmers, and they bring me such joy to care for them.:fish:
  15. SwimmieSue

    New here!

    Thank you for the warm welcome! I am setting up a beautiful kitchen counter book shelf German glass tank 3 gallon. I have a small kitchen, but want the finned friends as my new living visuals. I am planning on an aqua scape and added a substrate under my natural pebbles (small). Today the water...
  16. SwimmieSue

    New here!

    Hi Fin Friends. Anyone want to advise a returning 'love of fish keeping' lady?
  17. SwimmieSue

    Where am I…

    Ciao Fishmatic!