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  1. G

    Can't Seem To Swim

    The water is hardly ever changed and I don't believe it has been cycled, I don't really have control of the maintenance. The tank has been up for years but all creatures in it now have only been in it for a few months.
  2. G

    Can't Seem To Swim

    I've never tested the water and do not have access to testing kits. I just changed 30%of the water, its a ten gallon I believe. There are three other guppies and a dwarf frog, they are all fine.
  3. G

    Can't Seem To Swim

    One of my guppies cannot seem to swim. I found him laying in a plant not moving. I've removed the plant and so he is just laying at the bottom of the tank. If I nudge him with my small net he will get a short swim burst but other than that he won't move.
  4. G

    African Dwarf Frog Floating

    If you haven't yet found an answer, this is my opinion on the matter. What I have read has a split decision about floating frogs. Half say its normal for the frogs to float in a zen like state but the other half say it means the frog has an infection. My recently deceased dwarf floated all the...
  5. G

    Vertical Guppy

    I cannot get the stats, mother won't allow proper fish care, but is does not matter any more because the fish died
  6. G

    Vertical Guppy

    So my mother decided to surprise me with extra fish for my tank. Before I had one male guppy and an african water frog, tonight she added three guppies(two orange one blue) and another frog. The blue guppy is very small I assume he is young but he is swimming with his head up and tail down. I...
  7. G

    My Guppy Is Acting Strange

    The water is a little more then room temperature in the big tank. My guppy has been moved back into it.
  8. G

    My Guppy Is Acting Strange

    OK then, never mind he is magically cured. Thank you for the help though and he still has shimmies but I working on that. I checked him two seconds ago and he was at his normal water level but not five minutes he was all the way at the top and had been since I moved him. Very strange.
  9. G

    My Guppy Is Acting Strange

    Its a very large tank that my goldfish is in and I am not a good judge of volume it could be ten. I just moved my guppy a few hours ago he hasn't produced any waste yet. And I am not a bad fishy parent I had many fish before but the goldfish I have now was a victim of fish pong that I rescued...
  10. G

    My Guppy Is Acting Strange

    The original tank id five gallons I believe and the new tank is much smaller, just a few cups. There is no filter or anything.
  11. G

    My Guppy Is Acting Strange

    Sometime last night one of my guppies had died and I could tell it upset my other guppy. The nest time I checked on him, he was spending more time closer to the top of the tank and his tail seemed more torn then it had which I thought the goldfish probably did. So I moved my guppy to a small...