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  1. katiefairyinnit

    Am I Underfeeding My Fish ...

    Hi Terry, No I don't feed them continuously for 15 mins, I just make sure there is no food left after that amount of time, floating about. I used the books guide to guage whether my fish were eating enough, or too much. Personally, the way I feed mine is to put a pinch of flake in for my larger...
  2. katiefairyinnit

    Hi Guys And Girls, Another Newbie Here!

    Evil guppies? Wow. I guess fish all have different personalities and you can get some rogue ones. I hope your fish breed again for you. Do you keep all the babies? What happened to your jewel cichlid? I was originally gonna keep a species tank of malawi cichlids, but changed my mind after...
  3. katiefairyinnit

    Hi Guys And Girls, Another Newbie Here!

    Thanks for the info. I wasn't told about the betta and the gourami when I purchased them, and I bought them together, so thanks for the heads up. I think I've been really lucky so far in that the gourami is placid and the betta is the loveliest guy in the tank! He's so peaceful and nobody...
  4. katiefairyinnit

    Hi Guys And Girls, Another Newbie Here!

    No, go for it. i need all the advice I can get. The tank's been running well for the last 3 months without any real problems as yet, not even during the cycle which i was really pleased about! The fish have been added gradually though. I find talking to people is much better than reading books...
  5. katiefairyinnit

    Hi Guys And Girls, Another Newbie Here!

    Thanks for the reply :) I shall have to get some photos up soon then. I have a Juwel 120l with a crowntail betta, a golden gourami, 2 endlers, 5 variatus platies, a common pleco and a black molly, oh and a tiny baby endler in the breeding trap who escaped from the shop unnoticed! Its a good job...
  6. katiefairyinnit

    Hi Guys And Girls, Another Newbie Here!

    Hi everyone, Just a quick hello, I'm new and still getting to grips with the site and stuff, hoping to make some new fish-loving friends and share experiences. I'm Katie from Manchester. I'm pretty new to the hobby so I still have much to learn! Hope everyone's having a great week and look...
  7. katiefairyinnit

    Am I Underfeeding My Fish ...

    Again, I never said feed them for 15 minutes. At no point did I say this. It was a comparison between the book's recommendation of not feeding anything that cannot be completely consumed within 15 minutes. Comparing that maximum with fish that are consuming everything in a matter of seconds, it...
  8. katiefairyinnit

    Am I Underfeeding My Fish ...

    No worries, just you're the 4th person to question what I wrote regarding feeding. Its not aimed at you, I just don't get why people try to disprove each other round here. I thought we all were here to share opinions and stuff? I only joined a couple of days ago and already it looks like people...
  9. katiefairyinnit

    Am I Underfeeding My Fish ...

    No problem, I have two of said books here....One is Encyclopedia - The Tropical Aquarium by Gina Sandford and the other is The Bumper Book of Tropical Aquarium Fishes by Dick Mills. Verify away peeps
  10. katiefairyinnit

    Am I Underfeeding My Fish ...

    I got that from 3 books i have on fishkeeping, its not my words, so you're arguing with specialist books. I already specified i meant it should be completely GONE within 15 mins, not feed continuously for 15 mins. I find a lot of people very critical of others' advice. We're all trying to help...
  11. katiefairyinnit

    Am I Underfeeding My Fish ...

    Regarding the askers fish, it probably is a sign of underfeeding. If he thinks they're being underfed and they look hungry, they probably are. i can't speak for your swordtails
  12. katiefairyinnit

    Sudden Angelfish Death?

    Sorry to hear about your angel. It sounds like it was just one of those things unfortunately. I guess it happens sometimes and there's nothing you could have done to stop it. If you've had the fish for so long and the rest are fine, I'd say you are not at fault. A similiar thing happened to my...
  13. katiefairyinnit

    Am I Underfeeding My Fish ...

    I didn't mean to continue feeding for 15 mins, i meant that every last bit should be gone within 15 mins. I got this info from 3 fish keeping books i have. Its a good guide for not overfeeding but I would say if neons are foraging for food, they are too hungry. If the food is gone in seconds...
  14. katiefairyinnit

    Am I Underfeeding My Fish ...

    Hi, you should be feeding your fish daily and feed only what will be consumed in 15 mins. You may have heard that 'a hungry fish is a healthy fish', which is true, but you shouldn't constantly underfeed as this will cause stress and greater susceptibility to disease. If they look hungry, they...
  15. katiefairyinnit

    Help Please! Sluggish Fish! What's Going On In My Tank?

    The gourami has perked up slightly but a few platies are still looking sad and drooping. I really think it may be because my mollie is chasing them. I've been watching him this morning and he's been pretty relentless. Does anyone know if its because he's ready to breed or something like that...
  16. katiefairyinnit

    Help Please! Sluggish Fish! What's Going On In My Tank?

    I have two thermometers and both read correctly. One is a submersible one and the other is a sticker. This heater is brand new so it's working okay. i've heard Juwel aren't too great from some other people too. I had to replace my last one when it was less than a year old as it just stopped...
  17. katiefairyinnit

    Help Please! Sluggish Fish! What's Going On In My Tank?

    Oh no, you didn't offend me, I was just letting you know that I'm not naive about my fishkeeping :) They've all been happy so far and I've even got through the nitrogen cycle without losing a fish. The only other possible reason for their behaviour that i can think of is my black molly. He is...
  18. katiefairyinnit

    Help Please! Sluggish Fish! What's Going On In My Tank?

    I said previously that my fighter is VERY placid and does not even flare his fins. he keeps himself to himself and in turn, he is not bothered by any of my other fish. My tank is very peaceful and I cannot for the life of me find the cause of this problem :( The gourami is looking very sad at...
  19. katiefairyinnit

    Help Please! Sluggish Fish! What's Going On In My Tank?

    thanks for your reply Tom. According to my Tetra testing kit an NO3 rating of between 0 and 25 is safe. The scale goes right up to 250 and says anything between 100 and 250 is bad. Are you not thinking of NO2? Cuz my test kit says anything above 4 is bad for NO2 and would require immediate...
  20. katiefairyinnit

    Help Please! Sluggish Fish! What's Going On In My Tank?

    The pleco is just a common plec, he's young I think as he's very small as plecs go. The tank has been up and running for about 3 months now. I have done about four 25% water changes so far as the gourami, endlers and fighter have only been in the tank for a week so it didn't require much...
  21. katiefairyinnit

    Help Please! Sluggish Fish! What's Going On In My Tank?

    I have a 120l tank with 5 platies, 2 opaline gourami, 1 siamese fighter, 1 pleco, 2 endler guppies (+ 1 baby in a breeding trap) and a black molly. The fish have been looking fairly sluggish recently apart from the black molly who is pretty active and rules the roost! One yellow gourami in...