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  1. A Fishkeeper

    Help! Male guppy so swollen scales sticking out

    I sort the filter media when I do another large water change tomorrow like you advised.
  2. A Fishkeeper

    Help! Male guppy so swollen scales sticking out

    Here’s a pic of fish, both sides.
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  5. A Fishkeeper

    Help! Male guppy so swollen scales sticking out

    Do you think it’s worth dosing being melafix as well? One of my other guppies is sitting at top of water. Tail and fins still beautifully orange but body has lost its flecks of blue.
  6. A Fishkeeper

    Help! Male guppy so swollen scales sticking out

    Thank you. I’ll get stared on this right away. i replaced half my filter sponge with new last week so shall I leave the whole filter alone? at the moment I have an internal filter but I was thinking to get an external. (Not today) but do you think that would be a good move long term?
  7. A Fishkeeper

    Help! Male guppy so swollen scales sticking out

    I’ve euthanised the fish because everything I read said dropsy. I checked yesterday out of routine and everything was as should be Ammonia 0 nitrite 0 Nitrate 50 A week ago there was a problem with the water in my area and I lost 3 fish. Sadly I assume this is the result of that. The fish...
  8. A Fishkeeper

    Help! Male guppy so swollen scales sticking out

    Please help. my male guppy has become spiked like a pine cone. what can I do about it and what has caused it?
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  11. A Fishkeeper

    3 weeks cycling. High ammonia for 2 weeks, no nitrite and low nitrates

    Ok. I started mine on 19th Jan but I didn’t have any ammonia present for about a week. Thanks again, really hope it cycles soon ?
  12. A Fishkeeper

    3 weeks cycling. High ammonia for 2 weeks, no nitrite and low nitrates

    Oh wow. I did well with my first heater then. It’s always been accurate and it flashes to tell the me actual temperature of the water which is perfect for when doing water changes. But thank you. It’s helpful to know it’s normal. How long have your tanks taken to cycle In the past?
  13. A Fishkeeper

    3 weeks cycling. High ammonia for 2 weeks, no nitrite and low nitrates

    Ok, I keep getting scared I’ve made a mistake which has slowed it down. I realised my heater was too small although it was keeping it at a steady 25 but once I increased it to help it cycle the heater struggled which is how I realised it was the smaller heater I own. I have discovered that this...
  14. A Fishkeeper

    3 weeks cycling. High ammonia for 2 weeks, no nitrite and low nitrates

    So I’ve added half my old filter media to the new tank. Smaller filter because smaller tank so the half filled the first canister. I had to cut up the sponge to make it fit, at first it was too compact so flow was very small but then I rearrange it in the canister and flow is back. How long...
  15. A Fishkeeper

    3 weeks cycling. High ammonia for 2 weeks, no nitrite and low nitrates

    Thanks for the advice although I think I’ve gone too far into the cycle to do this? I really don’t want to lose any fish.
  16. A Fishkeeper

    Help with tank problem

    At least you can rule that out. Thanks, it is so sad when you lose fish. Hope you find cause and prevent any further loss.
  17. A Fishkeeper

    3 weeks cycling. High ammonia for 2 weeks, no nitrite and low nitrates

    Thanks. I have tetra aqua safe as basic one. I like the stress coat for its help with slime coat but the prime sounds perfect for my cycling tank and once fish are added to it when it’s newly cycled just in case I have any spikes. I assume the api does same as tetra? Our water is full of...
  18. A Fishkeeper

    3 weeks cycling. High ammonia for 2 weeks, no nitrite and low nitrates

    Awesome. Thank you. I’ll get some before my stress coat runs out and keep that for adding fish. Not that I will need to do that any time soon.
  19. A Fishkeeper

    3 weeks cycling. High ammonia for 2 weeks, no nitrite and low nitrates

    Thank you so much for your help. What makes that water conditioner better?
  20. A Fishkeeper

    3 weeks cycling. High ammonia for 2 weeks, no nitrite and low nitrates

    Thanks. I've turned it up. I started the other tank in July 2020 (6months ago) I did rob a little of he filter sponge when setting it up but I assume the lack of ammonia in the beginning meant it died ? Looking at my original calendar for my first tank set up it looks like I to my shame did...
  21. A Fishkeeper

    3 weeks cycling. High ammonia for 2 weeks, no nitrite and low nitrates

    Temp is 25 C Yes, have two air pumps going. yes, I use api stress coat. and yes the 2.0 is from the api master test kit. It’s more accurate, alert system is just there to give me a heads up once it’s cycled if there’s a problem with ammonia. Have one on other tank and sits at 0 all the time...
  22. A Fishkeeper

    3 weeks cycling. High ammonia for 2 weeks, no nitrite and low nitrates

    2.0ppm ammonia Ph 7.2 I use api freshwater master test kit and jbl pro aquatest easy strips. Also have a seachem ammonia alert on tank. This is my second tank, because of a baby boom in my current tank. I did a fishless cycle on first tank but thought it was quicker than this. ??? I have...
  23. A Fishkeeper

    Help with tank problem

    where do you live(roughly)? I live in London and we have a problem with our water. I did water change over weekend, lost 3 fish and have 2 others not too well. Aquarium shop have told me loads of people been losing fish after water changes. Fish shop also lost fish, they said it’s something in...
  24. A Fishkeeper

    3 weeks cycling. High ammonia for 2 weeks, no nitrite and low nitrates

    Hi I’m nearing the end of my 3rd week of cycling. Doing a fishless cycle with flaked food. I’ve had high ammonia for 2 weeks but never any nitrite. I do have nitrate. how long until I should start to see nitrite rise and ammonia go down?