Search results

  1. A Fishkeeper

    Kuhli Loach and sand

    That was something I also read in my research and was another thing that made them appealing. I did have a bristlenose but he produced an awful lot of waste.
  2. A Fishkeeper

    Kuhli Loach and sand

    Thanks for the info. Some bits of my sand are slightly deeper than 2 inches but I can get to most of these bits. It’s the bits under the wood and ornaments I’m most concerned about but they are surrounded by live plants that are rooted in the sand so I guess they are doing the job for me. I just...
  3. A Fishkeeper

    Kuhli Loach and sand

    I’m not expecting them to clean the sand just move it around from below the surface.
  4. A Fishkeeper

    Kuhli Loach and sand

    It’s a sand substrate I have and I use the end of a a glass cleaning stick to stir it up. But I’m always nervous of messing with the live plants roots and to move the decorations weekly stresses the fish. I just thought if there was a fish I could enjoy that also helped in those areas then it...
  5. A Fishkeeper

    Kuhli Loach and sand

    Hi, I have sand substrate in my 20 gallon tank. The back is planted and it also has ornaments which make it difficult to fully mix up the sand during partial water changes. Will a group of 6 Kuhli loaches keep the sand aerated in those hard to reach areas?
  6. A Fishkeeper

    Need a new tool…

    The assassin snails will do their job. Just give them time. I had a major infestation of bladder snails as well as a few rams horns. They ate the rams horns first but then demolished the bladder snails. This did mean I had hundreds of baby assassins (I bought 5 of eBay, but ended up giving over...
  7. A Fishkeeper

    Adding sand as substrate to established gravel tank

    Yes I’m in London. Very hard water. I got them from pets at home and I think they have some underlying problem because a couple have bent spines now but it doesn’t seem to effect them. I’m not replacing any of the fish that die because it’s not what I would choose but I could at least make the...
  8. A Fishkeeper

    Adding sand as substrate to established gravel tank

    Brilliant, thank you. I will do it that way, thank you. Will keep it so I can use it another time if needed.
  9. A Fishkeeper

    Adding sand as substrate to established gravel tank

    Sorry, just read the second part of your reply. I had 6 neons as was told that would make them happy and not be too many but they have slowly died one by one. The mollies are the reason I got the second smaller tank (the biggest I could fit in my living room and afford), i made the mistake of...
  10. A Fishkeeper

    Adding sand as substrate to established gravel tank

    Just a regular plastic box that I can buy from a supermarket or something more fish specific? (Obviously rinsed first)
  11. A Fishkeeper

    Adding sand as substrate to established gravel tank

    Thanks for advice. Yes, the depth is what I was hoping for and I find plants either thrive or die in this tank. My larger tank seems to do much better with plant variety and without daily liquid fertiliser but this tank needs daily(5 days out of 7) dosing for plants to live. So as well as...
  12. A Fishkeeper

    Adding sand as substrate to established gravel tank

    yes, this is where I got the idea from. Thought it made a lot of sense. I’m just scared of killing my fish by not doing it properly. I only saw him doing to a new aquarium not adjusting an already established one which is the scary bit 😰
  13. A Fishkeeper

    Adding sand as substrate to established gravel tank

    Thanks for all the knowledge you’ve just shared. I have a bristlenose, 3 neon tetras, 4 black mollies and a large number of assassin snails. It’s a 75 litre tank but I don’t have another tank to put them in. I have buckets I can put them in clean buckets for a very short time but wouldn’t have a...
  14. A Fishkeeper

    Adding sand as substrate to established gravel tank

    Hi, I have an established tropical tank with gravel substrate. It’s looking a little tatty and in need of a new look. I was wondering about putting my gravel in mesh bags. Adding some sort of nutritious substrate for plants(in mesh bags also) and then putting a layer of sand for appearance and...
  15. A Fishkeeper

    Low nitrite and cloudy water year and half in.

    Hi. I’ve added some new plants yesterday. Today my water is cloudy and when I tested water there was low level of nitrite. The plants came in the post and couple were a little worse for wear and a couple of bits had rotted in the night which I’ve removed. I know I made a mistake by washing a...
  16. 54D64379-D99B-4674-B988-70F65A21FF19.jpeg


  17. A Fishkeeper

    Are these male mollies?

    Thank you. I’ve separated them from the females. I now have 6 males in a tank. Was like a war film at first but they seem to have settled now and the biggest one is boss even though his bits aren’t fully developed. Thank you all for your wisdom. Hopefully it’s saved me a whole load of unwanted...
  18. A Fishkeeper

    Are these male mollies?

    Is there a time when the lower fin gets pointy but before the solid tub thing forms? and how many males can I keep together without females? That would mean I have 6males 😰
  19. A Fishkeeper

    Are these male mollies?

    these are my growing molly babies. I thought these were all females until they stared to change. Today I caught one mating with one of my definite females. Are all these males. Their lower fins don’t seem to have the tube my other males have but they don’t fan like my definite females. I thought...
  20. A Fishkeeper

    Are these male mollies?

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  31. A Fishkeeper

    Transfer to external filter

    Ok thank you. Good to know what others have done successfully ???
  32. A Fishkeeper

    Transfer to external filter

    Thank you.. do I need to drain it to add the old media? Also will it matter if I squash the old foam to make it fit? I know air is essential for the bacteria. Sorry for all the questions. Like I said, I’m scared of creating a problem and causing a mini cycle.
  33. A Fishkeeper

    Transfer to external filter

    Ok will do. Thank you. when I turn it off, if I close the valves can I keep it primed? also which level do I need to add my old media to?
  34. A Fishkeeper

    Transfer to external filter

    I only set it up today. Would it be with me adding it now? I’m a bit intimidated by the thought of opening filter now it’s up and running. The instructions were rubbish. I’ve watched some videos to try and help. I’m so scared of creating a mini cycle. My tank is overstocked while I wait for my...
  35. A Fishkeeper

    Transfer to external filter

    The external is significantly bigger. Ehiem classic 250.
  36. A Fishkeeper

    Transfer to external filter

    Brilliant. Thanks for replying, good to know I’m doing the right thing. ?
  37. A Fishkeeper

    Transfer to external filter

    I have an established tank with an internal filter. I have just added an external filter, I have read that I should run them both for 6 weeks and then transfer the old media into external filter and then I can remover the internal filter. I’ve squeezed the internal media into the tank to try and...
  38. A Fishkeeper

    Help! Male guppy so swollen scales sticking out

    I have a bristlenose cat fish, my understanding they can’t have salt added? also have danios, mollies, endlers and assassin snails. pH 7.2 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0