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  1. CloudDave

    February 2012 Tank Of The Month Voting Poll.

    Me and my fishies thank you so very much! :D But No.5 is the runaway tank this time and well deserved too. :good: Good work you guys, way to set the bar super high. I'll try again next month with some re-scaping. :hey:
  2. CloudDave

    February 2012 Tank Of The Month Entries.

    Thanks pal! Incidentally, I'm looking to supply Malaysian wood and driftwood for anyone interested. Do drop me a PM if so. :good:
  3. CloudDave

    Tim's 125 Litre Tropial Tank

    Hey there pal. Heard about the tank. It's a shame since it was progressing so nicely. :( Well, no worries, just get up and get back on it. We all learn from our mistakes. I hope you don't mind, but I'd suggest a kinda of foam platform at the bottom to distribute the weight of the tank evenly...
  4. CloudDave

    My New 280 Gallon Tank

    Thanks for the compliment pal, I spend hours enjoying my tank now. Incidentally, the wood hasn't stained my water. It's that I am using underwater yellow spotlights to mimic the look of natural sunlight. The look I am going for is for an Amazonian, South-American river. Honestly, I'm pleased...
  5. CloudDave

    February 2012 Tank Of The Month Entries.

    Hey there guys, This is my very first entry and 'serious' tank so please forgive me if it's a bit of an eyesore. :P Also I couldn't make up my mind if I wanted the fluorescent light look or the 'sunlight' look. So I went with the latter, I think it lends an air of mystique to it. Something...
  6. CloudDave

    My New 280 Gallon Tank

    Yeah my 6 Silver Dollars are ridiculously voracious! They eat everything and that's no joke. They swim into all the nooks and crevices that other fish don't even normally go to, and go into a feeding frenzy not unlike their pirahna cousins. The food is usually gone within less than 30 seconds...
  7. CloudDave

    My New 280 Gallon Tank

    As promised, some photos of my little fishies. Sorry about the bad quality, am still new to snapping their pics. Meanwhile, the Silver Dollars keep snapping up all the food including the sinking algae wafers and bloodworms. So much so that all my bottom feeders (loach, corys) are getting only...
  8. CloudDave

    Need Advice

    Greens huh? Well, he also has some amazing techniques on how to tie your plants ONTO the drifts to make it look more natural. In his words (not mine) not all plants grow on the substrate. It would look fantastic to have some ferns on large drifts and moss on hollow barks. Those look amazing and...
  9. CloudDave

    Need Advice

    Hey dude, was just having a look at all the other tanks and I have to say your tank is looking really sweet. :D Thumbs up! However, have you ever given any thought to higher planes or uneven surfaces? Higher substrates on one side that tapers to the other? I find that it adds dimension to the...
  10. CloudDave

    My New 280 Gallon Tank

    I'm using river sand scooped up straight from the river at my backyard. EXCELLENT size and texture for my Corys. :D Those are actually tree branches. I had to weigh them down using fishing anchors and some fishing string while drilling small holes in both. Message me privately if you want some...
  11. IMG_0480(tiny).jpg


  12. CloudDave

    My New 280 Gallon Tank

    Thanks, but aren't severums a kind of cichlid? From past experience they are incredibly territorial and aggressive. I'm looking for more of a community tank where I don't have to worry about other fishes disappearing into another's guts. :P
  13. CloudDave

    My New 280 Gallon Tank

    At the moment I am tentatively thinking of a school of tetras either neons or cardinals. I am also very partial to clown loaches but am worried it will attack the neons. Definitely some corys will make their way in there. I need some suggestions for mid to upper level fishes though and I've been...
  14. IMG_0470(tiny).jpg


  15. CloudDave

    My New 280 Gallon Tank

    Hey guys, I just semi-finished my plastic plant tank after some grueling work. It's a huge 6 x 2.5 x 2.5 feet tank and quite hard to fill properly thanks to the huge vertical space. I needed to find something that looked like roots. Had to make do with weighted tree branches, old ones of...