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  1. R


    Hi I have 7 at the moment and through much trial & error found that algae wafers soaked in tank water for 5 mins and stuck to the inside of the front of the tank works great they love them and all except one hangs around at night time. They all have big bellies now. They seem to fight over the...
  2. R

    White Spot Flustration

    Hi sorry tank 48x12x18 ft 8 rummy tetra 2 dwarf chi 4 midget sucker catfish 8 dwarf ottos 1 brittle nose cat ph 7.02 kh3 c02 8.59 NO2 0.3 I think it may be settling down, though im just not happy with the setup when i put all the plants in it looked fantastic, however now they dont seem to be...
  3. R

    Tank Cleaning Around Plants

    Hi there ive got a recently new tank setup a 48x12x18 ft south american bio tope or will be when its running well. What i want to know is i have echinodorus tenellus growing at the front of my tank and they are sending out runners how do i clean the gravel around them i seem to just suck up and...
  4. R

    White Spot Flustration

    Hi anybody ive got an out break of white spot on my cardinal tetra which has spread to my rummy nosed tetra though so far not affected my dwarf rams or corys and ottos. Been treating with interpet whitespot 6 for 8 days now and the cardinals still look bad they just group together in a corner...