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    No More Fake Plants

    Finally jumped to live plants. root tabs already in, dosed some ferts. any tips to prevent algae?
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    New to the forum.

    its a fake bamboo plant i bought off amazon.
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    New to the forum.

    fairly overstocked tank. 4 months running. with 1 angelfish, 8 praecox rainbows and 3 honey gourami?(2 females and 1 male)
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    Paraguard reduces oxygen?

    yes i got all my fishes from him. great guy. told me to isolate the sterbais. which i did. but they still didnt eat, and died
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    Paraguard reduces oxygen?

    got them at Noahs pet ark, around kitsilano. i had then for more than 3 months. not sure if it was columnaris, but its kinda like their slime coats were peeling. my praecox are doing fine, just the sterbais
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    Paraguard reduces oxygen?

    all the 6 sterbais died in couple days. its definitey columnaris from what i saw. hope it dont kill all my fish.
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    Paraguard reduces oxygen?

    will do. ill kepp you updated
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    Paraguard reduces oxygen?

    yes vancouver bc. kitsilano around UBC just saw my honey gourami nipping the sterbais today. not sure if its stress killing them. i also see missing chunks of their fin. does not seem to be fin rot. but today, i saw one with white stuff on the body.
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    Paraguard reduces oxygen?

    i have an adopted angel in the tank which cant tolerate lower temp below 78.
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    Paraguard reduces oxygen?

    it seems like saddle back on mu sterbais. just my sterbai though
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    Paraguard reduces oxygen?

    unfortunately one of the sterbai passed away last night. could have been a parasite that has been in there for a long time and didnt quite notice earlier. i am fasting my fishes for 2 days and will be doing 20% water change daily. if nothing happens for 3 days, ill throw in the carbon media in...
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    Paraguard reduces oxygen?

    i am currently medicating a 20 gallon tank with seachem paraguard. im just wondering if this product reduces oxygen level in the aquarium? i only dosed 1/2 of the recommended dose. i have noticed my sterbai corydoras gulping for air frequently. i do have an aquaclear 70 in full blast, corner...