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  1. redbug

    Standard Heater

    I would also suggest having the heater on an angle. I have mine placed horizontally near the bottom of the tank
  2. redbug

    I Think They've Bred!

    I absolutely love the picture of your black and albino Corys I have about 6 different types in my main tank a 150 gallon. I like the look of the sand I use river rock it ranges in size from pea to 3" pieces. My cats love rooting between the rocks for the food
  3. redbug

    My Bn's Arrived Safely....

    they are very hardy fish I have gotten them in the mail after a 3 day trip and they did fine. good luck with your breeding
  4. redbug

    Clown Loach

    I would keep it up there for at least a week after the white spot has gone
  5. redbug

    My Cory Colony And Fry

    here are a few pictures of my albino corys and the fry they have grown nd are doing well
  6. redbug

    Cucumber.. Watermelon..?

    I feed my plecos fruit and cucs all the time and my corys will munch on it also they all seem to be doing well
  7. redbug

    We Have Just Got Babies

    you should be fine leaving them in the strainer until you can get them out of the tank. What type of fry did you have?
  8. redbug

    Albino Breeding Question

    Thanks guys I have had angles lay and eat the eggs in the main tank. will I need to drop the temp to get the cats to lay?
  9. redbug

    Bullet Dt And Iris Dt 15/01/2011

    that is fantastic news I can't wait to see some pictures of the fry
  10. redbug

    Channel Catfish Pictures

    Here are A few pictures from the fish hatchery in southern Ill. I thought that some of you would like to see one of the albino brood females eggs just after collection eggs are ready to hatch if you look closely you can see the eyes the fry I think it number was around 104,000 in this...
  11. redbug

    My Basset Hound Flash

    I love basset hounds I have 2 females they are a year apart in age and inseparable. sweetpea the older one is 4 years old and sassafras is 3years old and weighs in at 75lbs
  12. redbug

    Help/advice On Our 14 Year Old 8" Pleco And Tank Size...

    I just lost my common pleco after 16 years he was 2" when i got him and 13" when he passed he was kept in a 150 gallon tank with several other plecos. he loved watermelon more than any other food but would eat just about anything i feed him. he will be missed. the oldest fish in my tank now are...
  13. redbug

    Albino Breeding Question

    Hi I am new to the site but have been raising fish my entire life I have breed angles discus and kribs with no problem. I have a 7 Cory colony that I have breed 1 time have have a tank full of babies, My question is do I need to worry about my females they are gravid again and I am lacking space...