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  1. richchappy

    Favorit Fishy

    Favourite fish: Chocolate gouramies Favourite bottom feeder: The corys especcially the albinos :wub:
  2. richchappy

    What's The Funniest Thing Your Fish Has Ever Done?

    Well in my tank that i have had for a couple of weeks nothing that mad ha happened but it always makes me laugh when the little albino cory starts playing round in the bubble spinning round and evrything, he looks so cute :wub: Another one is really old story that my mum said heppened befor i...
  3. richchappy

    If I Was To Get Dead Fish

    well done, i have only just started with my tank in my room and they all seem ok (fingers crossed) and we have a really big tank downstairs and when you try and watch tv the fish are always more interesting lol
  4. richchappy

    Corydora Stuck In Hole

    well done, bet he will soon become your favorite out the bunch
  5. richchappy

    Non Rooting Plants For Sand

    are they all widely avalible, i am complete beginner
  6. richchappy

    Non Rooting Plants For Sand

    what plants are good in sand that are non rooting
  7. richchappy


    Ok this may get a bit contrivesial, dont know what you views are, but does anyone go fishing I go fishing for carp and my biggest is 16lbs 4oz and that was a ghost carp, What are you views. Also i treat them with utmost respect, go to my website, and i have done...
  8. richchappy

    What Are These

    Just found some old video of my brothers old tank and it had these tetras(i think) that are now in the big tank down stairs and i was just wondering what they are... He cant remember here is the link Rich
  9. richchappy


    its fairly small but they have stopped it now and she is fine, :good:
  10. richchappy

    Goldfish Starter Kit.....

    my lfs has started banning gold fish bowls and wont sell to you if you are putting them in there good on them
  11. richchappy


    I have my tank stocked with guppys and plattys see signature, I have notices that the male guppy is chasing the larger female platty around, is this normal or is it serious Rich
  12. richchappy

    Help Me Name Him!

    sunset lol
  13. richchappy

    Tank Shots

    love them mate, the pile of rocks has inspired me as i am going to change my tank to sand on the bottom and im either going for a natural look or the anticent ruins style decisions decisions Rich
  14. richchappy

    Fry Food

    yea mate i found that out so i have decided to get some tetras instead, thankfully i found out befor it was too late
  15. richchappy

    Final Stocking

    ye i know that, i have the tank downstairs aswell if this gets over crowded and also the shops are willing to take them back they said so i have it covered :D
  16. richchappy

    Final Stocking

    ye there were some nice neons at the shop and the woman said they were new in, a little shoal would finish it nicely... Thanks
  17. richchappy

    Final Stocking

    20 inches, sorry for being a pain
  18. richchappy

    Final Stocking

    cant remember sorry but the person in the shop said to get 5 more but i dont want it over crowded
  19. richchappy

    Final Stocking

    I have my tank and it needs a couple more fish imo, it could take more but i dont want it over crowded i have the fish listed below and was wondering what would go with them well and is fairly small
  20. richchappy

    Gravel To Sand

    how many snails would you add per gallon of water
  21. richchappy

    Fry Food

    In my new tank i have a few live bearers and im probly getting some mollys aswell, i was just wondering what food is best for the fry when and if i get any, do you need special stuff or can you use crushed flakes,... I also read that egg yoke squoze through a towel works Rich
  22. richchappy

    Gravel To Sand

    I have a tank with gravel in at the moment and it is fairly well established and i was wondering if i could change it to sand from gravel Any help welcome Rich