Search results

  1. Fantail_John

    Female Betta

    Thank you again for the information :) It as been out today swimming around this afternoon for a little bit :) but back at the top side at the filter again, I just had a look to see if still with use and noticed tinny bubbles in the corner where the filter is and betta, I have seen photo's of so...
  2. Fantail_John

    Female Betta

    Thank you fuzzynicki :good: I have ordered some Betta Pro pellets on ebay today :) and will be going to Kendal to a very good aquarium shop as the 2 in Barrow my town are not good :( I thought there would be more help on my thread but you have been so helpful :) I see you have put, I've only...
  3. Fantail_John

    Female Betta

    She as come out for a bit from behind the filter but goes back within a few seconds, but thank thats a good sign? I tried Aquarian flakes and Freeze dried blood worms this morning, did not touch them. So I might try the Betta flakes and pellets from Ebay. I only have the betta in the tank. Thank...
  4. Fantail_John

    Don't Keep Fish In Small Bowls or Tanks! Thank before buy!

    Don't Keep Fish In Small Bowls or Tanks! Thank before buy!
  5. Fantail_John

    Female Betta

    Today I bought a female Betta and it was exploring the 5G tank for 2 hours and now it's be hiding away now for 8 hours behind the filter, Is this normal? all states are ok tested it as I do with my other 4 foot that I had now for 9 years :) but would be most welcomed if any one can tell me about...
  6. Fantail_John

    Will 5 Cory's Be Ok

    You will be fine having 5 Cory's but more the merrier and if people look at a profile first to see what information you do have about yourself they would of known about the size of your tank :) that's why we have a profile to tell people about each other. But we all can't think about these thing...
  7. Fantail_John

    Best Conditions For Guppies?

    What happen to not adding salt to fresh water fish? lol :lol:
  8. Fantail_John

    What Is It With Information?

    Come on guys whats the information regarding copyright information on here this forum? I see lot of people getting information from books websites and passing it on to other people and even give good websites to get more information on fish keeping, as long you put a copyright to the information...
  9. Fantail_John

    Riddled With Disease

    Hope you get sorted :) as i know what your going though, as the day i got my first fish I've been having this problem, no matter where i go to get information about this problem no one knows a good answer :( I might be wrong but your lucky if you find the answer here too :( but if it was white...
  10. Fantail_John

    Food You Hate!

    I sea (see) food and eat it :)
  11. Fantail_John

    Favourite Films

    The Champ Ending :sad:
  12. Fantail_John

    Meet Ups Or Clubs In Cumbria?

    To far for me no transport :( and i live in Cumbria :good:
  13. Fantail_John

    Honey Gouramis

    I see no one as answered your question :( but it sounds like the same thing i had no signs but the flicking and jerking movements. I see your water looking good so it can't be the water, so it most be a parasite from the shop you got the fish from? this is how i got rid of mine and now the fish...
  14. Fantail_John

    Jerking Honey Gourami

    I see no one as answered your question :( but it sounds like the same thing i had no signs but the flicking and jerking movements. I see your water looking good so it can't be the water, so it most be a parasite from the shop you got the fish from? this is how i got rid of mine and now the fish...
  15. Fantail_John


    A big :hi: :band: Hope you have a good time and find some good reading and along the way make some friends :) John
  16. Fantail_John

    Softness Or Hardness Water

    Thank's for your advice :) just done a test on my tank Ph and it's 7.4 - 7.8 Do you use any shells? like the ones you get from the beach and drop them in the water of the tank? near herd of putting sand in a filter. John
  17. Fantail_John

    Cycled Tank!

    Well done :good: Been following your posts and know you were having troubles with your ammonia, hope it's works ok for you now and keep the 6 hourly water checks and hope it keeps stable for you all week and then it's just the weekly changes :) But never throw away for media unless it's...
  18. Fantail_John

    Softness Or Hardness Water

    Thank's for the link :) if it's right in the Northwest it's soft :) John Thank's, so you can buy a test kit to test the water :) where do you get them from? John
  19. Fantail_John

    Meet Ups Or Clubs In Cumbria?

    I totally agree with you we have about three shops, and one big pet shop mentioning no names :) that don't know a fish from a turtle. been trying to stock my new tank but can't get the fish what i want. nice to someone else from Barrow :) John
  20. Fantail_John

    Softness Or Hardness Water

    For the last hour been trying to find the water hardness or softness here in the northwest England, does anyone know? as this will help me with my fish keeping :) John
  21. Fantail_John

    Baby Platies

    I have now 7 fry getting bigger doubled in size, the others when to another fish keeper that took them out of my tank as i had too many. The 7 little fish are happy and the other big fish don't bother them :)
  22. Fantail_John

    Esha 2000 Treatment

    It is good as i have just treated my fish with this and it works :) like myself could not see any signs apart from the flicking and rubbing so was told to try the Esha 2000 and glad i did. There is another good med that is good if you can't see signs of illness is waterlife sterazin just order...
  23. Fantail_John

    Free Platy Fry

    Anyone that would like free platy fry your welcome to pick them up at your convenience, I'm in the Cumbria area send me a pm if you are interested :) John
  24. Fantail_John

    Shocked Betta

    I think I've lost another Betta turn on light and the Betta when nuts skimming on the water service and full down to the bottom of the tank flat out, but gills are still move so don't know what to do now. John
  25. Fantail_John

    Turning Temperature Down

    I have been treating my 28 gallon tank for white spot over three days, the spots have all gone and just doing another treatment to finish it off. I have the temp to 86f so when i stop using the treatment do i turn the temp down slowly as i did putting it up, and how long to turn it down when...
  26. Fantail_John

    Feeding My Betta

    Thank's :) Will this morning i did just clean the deco and vac the gravel and did a 100 % water change and added 2 ml of parasite treatment just in case it had something in tank, hope i do the write thing. I see if i can get a photo up later on today of my new Beeta. John
  27. Fantail_John

    Feeding My Betta

    Thanks for your advice, very kind of you :) John
  28. Fantail_John

    Feeding My Betta

    Thanks :) I will be getting another one tomorrow, can i ask you a question, now in the Betta tank i have no fish so how long will the bacteria last with out dieing off? and should i do anything to my tank to clean it incase it was an infection. John
  29. Fantail_John

    Baby Platies

    Cool :) have you got them in your main tank of fry tank? what will you be doing with them. Mine most of been in the tank on the first day i put the platies in as the next day i thought i was seeing things when i done a water change and said i thought i seen some thing small swimming pass the...
  30. Fantail_John

    Feeding My Betta

  31. Fantail_John

    Feeding My Betta

    Sad news my new Betta die this afternoon, I took it to the vets and they took a look at the fish and said it was old age and something wrong with mental heath? and have no visible signs of a illness that would of been easy recognised. As it had no spot, worms, gill infection, gold flacking. I...
  32. Fantail_John

    Water Tested Today

    These are my water ammonia test, can anyone work out what number they are? 1st photo ammonia tap water test 2nd photo ammonia tap water test John
  33. Fantail_John

    Water Tested Today

    Thank's for you reply :) Here are my tap water test results Ammonia - 0.25ppm? sometimes it looks more yellow them light green on test so not sure Nitrite - 0ppm Nitrate - 5.0ppm So if the tank water is tested at 0.25? as each time i test it reads 0.25 or under as i can't tell as sometime it...
  34. Fantail_John

    Baby Platies

    Thank's :) Sounds like you have a few fry on your hands, i think am going to wait like you say for them to show colour and remove them to the LFS. But it's nice seeing them grow and swimming around with the other adult Platies :) John
  35. Fantail_John

    Little White Spots Comes And Goes?

    Sorry for late reply Thank's for your reply :) Yesterday i bought some King British white spot med so i stated to treat them as the spots came back on fins and rubbing more. I have done what you have suggested. now keeping my fingers crossed it will clear up :) John
  36. Fantail_John

    Turning Lights Out

    I don't know if this is oppose to happen but when i turn out my fish tank lights the betta goes mental rubbing a darting, it might have some wrong with the guy, but i have been treating the fish with parasite med, as this happend when the lights were on too. But can turning lights off course...
  37. Fantail_John

    Feeding My Betta

    Thank's Yes the LFS were feeding them on tropical flakes? so when i got him i started using them but by the second day he stoped eating them, but on the day i got the fish i bought some frozen shrimp and eats them will no problems but can't keep giveing him the shrimp. John
  38. Fantail_John

    Baby Platies

    A update on the baby fry Platies that a wanted to get eaten I'm happy that i didn't, there are getting bigger now and and eating good. This morning I counted 17 so i was thinking what will be the best time to hand them over to my LSF and the best way to catch them as i tried this when i notice...
  39. Fantail_John

    Feeding My Betta

    Feed once a day but like i say will not feed only on shrimp, my other 28 gallon tank with the four platies eat twice a day not a lot only what they eat in 2 mins. John
  40. Fantail_John

    Feeding My Betta

    Update on my Betta feeding Got some tetra Betta flakes and Interpet freeze dry blood worms yesterday will not eat them, but will eat frozen Brim Shrimps can't seem to buy nothing that he will eat? any suggestions. John