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  1. Tyler777

    I need your opinion

    Got ya. Im still learning n dealing with stop buying more fish bcause they look cool n cute. Im still learning not to mix diffeent fish just bcause i like their look cause as i learned not all of them like n handle tge same temp or water parameters n not bcause they look cute they will get along...
  2. Tyler777

    I need your opinion

    Thank you for your response im printing every advice i get n re read em hoping to figure it out n fix this problem
  3. Tyler777

    I need your opinion

    That was a very helpful response n advice. Thank you. I started doing that reading n reseraching already n made me decide not to add clown loaches n panda corys due to all the different neds with the fish i already have. It makes no sense to me now to put fish in some kind of water that some...
  4. Tyler777

    I need your opinion

    Ok I will do that. Thank you for your advice
  5. Tyler777

    I need your opinion

    Temp is 78 Kh n gh i dont know n i dont have anything to test it with. Canbu tell me what to buy to test kh n gh ? With the angels im not sure but if I did it was only one water change n probably 25%
  6. Tyler777

    I need your opinion

    36 gallons I tested with the Api test kit The betta girls i would say 3 months bfore they started dying. The gouramies bout a month And the 2 angels bout 3 weeks For food the bettas,gouramies n angels got flakes n blood worms pleco algae pellet corys sinking pellets. Tank 5,6 m9nths cycled
  7. Tyler777

    I need your opinion

    Thats the option that keeps going through my mind. Weird thing i have 7 corys and 1 small pleco in the tank too but theyre not having any problem. Theyd been in that tank with the bettas, the gouramies n the angels but these guys survived
  8. Tyler777

    I need your opinion

    As many of you know I losrmt all my female koi sorority of bettas. Also my 2 red flame dwarf gouramies and today i just found 2 angelfish dead all these fish died in the same tank. First allbthe vetta girls. After they died mayvev2 weeks later the 2 gouramies died 2 days apart then i turned the...
  9. Tyler777

    Panda corys

    Thank you all for your comments. I want3d to have some but the water temp is way different frim the other fish i have so i cant have em in my community tank.the temp in my community tank is 78° Too bad theyre cute.
  10. Tyler777

    Panda corys

    Does anybody have pada corys ? I was reading bout em n water parameters n temprerature n 3 different websites wrote 3 different temperature for them. If any of you have em can you tell me the temperature you are keeping em ? Thank you
  11. Tyler777

    Betta male look

    Honestly i dont know what ur talking bout. What speach r u talking bout ? I just said that im comfused bout why the water went crazy with ammonia n nitrites i even posted a picture with the results. But even when the water looks bad theyre all eating n swiming normally. Thats what i dont...
  12. Tyler777

    Betta male look

    Yesterday I tested the water in my betta boy tank and the level of ammonia and niyrites were sky high and I never had nitrites in his tank n when I had ammonia it was almost nothing. I did a 70% water change today I just tested the water again and I got the same readings as the picture shows. I...
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  14. Tyler777

    125 gallons tank

    My gigger one is around 5 inches right now
  15. Tyler777

    125 gallons tank

    Im planning of putting the smaller one the bullied one in the 125 hallons tank n leave the other one where he is at
  16. Tyler777

    Login in

    Why everytime i get a response to my posts im asked to log in again ? It never happened bfore.
  17. Tyler777

    No power

    Did not know that. Thank you
  18. Tyler777

    125 gallons tank

    Bout the serpae tetras i always liked em but someone hete told me something I didnt know which is that theyre fin snippers n i found out its true so i decided not to get more unlessu know a trick to keep em from doing it then i would love to get more. The siamese algaeceater i didnt know theyre...
  19. Tyler777

    125 gallons tank

    You know what I meant. He has 3 females in the tank he already got pregnant.
  20. Tyler777

    125 gallons tank

    I just want a peacefull healthy tank. Besides my swordtail boy is really busy wih his 3 girlfriends theyre all pregnant
  21. Tyler777

    125 gallons tank

    It does, thanks
  22. Tyler777

    125 gallons tank

    I know I asked this question before but I cant find it n the response i got so im gonna ask again. I have a 125 gallons tank n i will putin there 3 adult pearl gouramies 1 big white molly 2 small black mollies 2 panda mollies 2 serpae tetras 1 male swordtail 3 female swordtail 3 platties 3...
  23. Tyler777

    My main problem with fish

    I have some sea weeds but they're always move to the left side of thank regardless if I move em to the right side they always ho to the left. And I have lots of duck weed which I hate bcase they grown super fast n cover the whole tank not letting me feed the fish unless I push em away so I can...
  24. Tyler777

    My main problem with fish

    Pearl gouramies, I meant
  25. Tyler777

    My main problem with fish

    Well I will set up my 125 gallons this week and I have mollies, platties, swordtails 3 pear gouramies corys yo yo loaches they will all go to that tank from 2 different tanks the only concern I have is a one dwarf gouramie I have in one tank he is kinda of a bully so I'm not sure if put him...
  26. Tyler777

    My main problem with fish

    I was just thinking bout several advices I got from you guys and realized that my problem was n still is that I choose fish for how pretty they look n don't do research to see if they're compatible with other fish, if I have a kinda of large tank in my head means that I should fill it up with...
  27. Tyler777


    It all makes sense. Thank you for your info
  28. Tyler777

    Fishless cycling

    Ok I will check the bottle I couldn't find anything bout the strenght. Did I purchased the wrong kind ?
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  36. Tyler777


    You got a point there
  37. Tyler777


    Ok thank you
  38. Tyler777


    Yeah they do. At first I had 2 in 5he tank so I decided to add 3 more. One of the old ones in the tank started bullying the 3 new ones. After a day in the tank all together the 3 new ones gang up n started bulky8ng the original bully. Now he is afraid of the new ones. Payback is a B .. I guess
  39. Tyler777

    Fishless cycling

    Ok guys I just got this bottle of ammonia to start the fishless cycling. Is this one ok ? If it's OK how much should I add to the tank to start the cycling?