Search results

  1. FishTankCrazy

    White Worm Like Parasite On Betta

    My Betta has a white worm like parasite buried in the side of his head and i'm getting worried about him because it seems to be getting bigger and deeper!! I've tried treating him with Interpet Anti crustation and parasite medication but on the instruction it states its harmful to live plants so...
  2. FishTankCrazy

    Cycling Nitrite

    Have you tested you're tap water? How often are you doing water changes? What filter and media have you got?
  3. FishTankCrazy

    How Will I Know When My Filter Is Working Effectively?

    Sounds insane that you're doing a water change every other day??? You take out more water than I do weekly and i've got a 250L tank! Anyway have you tested your tap water? I couldn't work out for ages that i was getting 0.25ppm Ammonia until i tested the tap water....what filter do you have and...