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  1. rictheredneck

    Unsettled Anemone

    thanks for your advice but unfortunatly its nothing i didnt already know, the only thing i can put it down to is that the shop keeper had damaged its foot when removing it from the display tank, just gonna have to wait it out i think.
  2. rictheredneck

    Awesome Shops

    will try aquascope and maidenhead aquatics, i actually bought my tank from cascade its my local not a bad lil shop.
  3. rictheredneck

    Cardinal Is Dead

    my dwarf lion was proudly swimming about with a cardinal half hanging out of its mouth. pretty crazy how big these guys can open their mouths they were pretty much the same size! nevermind...
  4. rictheredneck

    Newbie Here, Just Showing Off My Tank.

    doin fine, we really got him for the copepods, might aswell have a fish that lives off them since they are in the tank.
  5. rictheredneck

    Awesome Shops

    no not tried it, any good? might pop down this weekend.
  6. rictheredneck

    Awesome Shops

    after a round trip of about 200 miles and finding out that the marine specialst shop in nottingham no longer deals with marine i thought id like to find out which are the best shops in your area which are the worst and hopefully find out about the hidden goldmines in my area. so i guess i'll...
  7. rictheredneck

    My Newbie Tank

    the tank has been setup since sept 06. its a juwel rio 240, fluval 305 external filer, plus the integrated juwel filter, arcadia t5 lighting (4 tubes), prism skimmer, Vecton V2 Sterilizer, 3 power heads. the fishes are - powder blue tang, mandarin, 2 clowns, pyjama wrasse, bi-colour blenny...
  8. rictheredneck

    Newbie Here, Just Showing Off My Tank.

    hmmmm shold be workin anyone else havin trouble?
  9. rictheredneck

    Newbie Here, Just Showing Off My Tank.
  10. rictheredneck

    Unsettled Anemone

    its a malu anemone, we have another which has been settled since day one. its a rio 240 tank ie 240 litres, we have arcadia t5 lighting with 4 tubes, not too sure what the flowe rate is but we have 2 filters (1 internal & 1 external) and 3 powerheads. our other anemone is in the highest point in...
  11. rictheredneck

    Unsettled Anemone

    i bough a pair of anemonies the other month and one died about a fortnight after being introduced neither have settled into one spot for more that a couple of days, is there any advice to get this one settled before it dies?