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  1. *blacksnapemoor*

    Help Emergency

    i have a blackmoor fish it seems very week it is swimming on its side an is not useing its right fin much even tho its in a empty tankl i really need help i am changing the water 3 times a day aan changin 2 3rds its only a small taank gettin a new 1 fri i have been advised 2 starve it an...
  2. *blacksnapemoor*

    Help Emergency

    i have a blackmoor fish it seems very week it is swimming on its side an is not useing its right fin much even tho its in a empty tankl i really need help i am changing the water 3 times a day aan changin 2 3rds its only a small taank gettin a new 1 fri i have been advised 2 starve it an...
  3. *blacksnapemoor*

    Feeding Fish Cucumber

    do peas help blackmoor fish with that bladder syndrome.
  4. *blacksnapemoor*

    How Do You No If The Fish Is Sleeping

    erm im not sure about tank measuremenrs but will find out asap i am changin the water 3 times a day an about 2 3rds of the water i have been feeding it goldfish flake food (recomended by the pet store person). i cant see him much but there dose look like a bit at his rear end by his tail i8...
  5. *blacksnapemoor*


    it is a blackmoor
  6. *blacksnapemoor*

    How Do You No If The Fish Is Sleeping

    errr its ok now thanks but theres a anorther real bad prob it seems to be having trouble swiiming like going on its side and on its back
  7. *blacksnapemoor*

    Help Urgently

    hi is it ok if i get a glass an take a bit of water out of the tank an puttin it back in from a lil hight 2 try 2 supply oxygen well i tryed this coz am gettin desperate an its still goin to the top an looks like its gasping his/her mouth is out the water if thats of any use plaes help me
  8. *blacksnapemoor*

    How Do You No If The Fish Is Sleeping

    over the past hour my lil baby snape (a blackmoor fish) has become a lot less active than it has been during the day an i was just wundering if was sleeping or if somethings wrong i dont think i can beatr to loose this fish please help
  9. *blacksnapemoor*

    Stupid Beginner Question

    ye i suggest that you try and balence out the temp as best as possible so the fish dont get shock which can cause them serious damage even death so ye just try match best you can probley wont happen if your careful
  10. *blacksnapemoor*

    Hi Need Advice On A Blackmoor Please Im New Very

    hi evryone, i am exspecting to be getting a filterd tank soon in about a week any advice on keeping the fish happy an healty in the mean time i shall probly be getting gravel tomorro or the next day hopefully. i wont be able to get any vacums or anythin for now errmm as i have never had fish or...
  11. *blacksnapemoor*

    Help Urgently

    well my uncle gave me a blackmoor i have it in a tank has got a room an i am cleaning the water 2-3 times a day as the tank it is in has no filter or de chloride i have been advised to boil the water an then give it that water i am goin to get a tank asap an filters am not sure what i need an...
  12. *blacksnapemoor*

    Help Urgently

    my fish (blackmoor) seems to be goin to the top off the tank an opening an closing its mouth as if in a gasping motin what should i do need help urgent please i really dont want to loose him thanks
  13. *blacksnapemoor*

    Feeding Fish Cucumber

    would i be able to give it to my black moor fish? if so how much
  14. *blacksnapemoor*

    Hi Need Advice On A Blackmoor Please Im New Very

    thank you so muchmy uncle bought me the fish thinking i had a tank an i dident stupid man so i bought a really tempoary 1 an no1 will lend me money to get it stuff so i had to get a lil 1 with no gravel or plants or anythin plus i have never had a fish before so dunno what am doing it seem to be...
  15. *blacksnapemoor*

    Our First Fish

    aww congratulations have fun try gget some pics please thay sound adorable :blush:
  16. *blacksnapemoor*

    Hi Need Advice On A Blackmoor Please Im New Very

    thanks for all the help where can i resach cycalingand would you like some pictures of the tank an the fish it seems to be preaty active an is it just a falke or tow evry orther day until i can get the de cholriator :good: :rolleyes:
  17. *blacksnapemoor*

    Hi Need Advice On A Blackmoor Please Im New Very

    thank you very much merry im not 2 sure how to use the dechlorinator plus wont be able to get it till end of the week whould you recomend changing the water twice a day till i can get the stuff the tank is only small dont no how old it is but its quite small 4 now i think. It seems to be...
  18. *blacksnapemoor*

    Feeding Fish Cucumber

    why do you need to give fish cucumbers is it good for them? if so how much a lil slice,a lil chunk? and is it ok 2 giv 2 blackmoor cold water fish? :fun:
  19. *blacksnapemoor*

    Hi Need Advice On A Blackmoor Please Im New Very

    oh ye soryy but btw can anybody explain cycling to me please thanks
  20. *blacksnapemoor*

    Hi Need Advice On A Blackmoor Please Im New Very

    hi evryone, im a 13 year old girl from liverpool an i got a new blackmoor fish yesterday i dont really no how to look after it what tanks an filters to get it what i sould be feeding it or if i need to get it a freind it is currently in a a small unfilterd tank and is eating aquarian goldfish...