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    Is my powerhead causing my fish to die?

    Hi all. Well, I had my first fish deaths today, and I can't help but wonder... is the Hydor powerhead causing too much current for them? All of my catfish from the 10 gallon have now died. my flame gourami has died (suddenly too, he was eating and swimming last night....) I've lost one cardinal...
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    Help with Seachem ammonia test kit

    I placed mine directly in the tank from the package and it works great. Consistent results when compared to drip tests.
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    Partial stocking done!

    For sure... the side with the driftwood tangle is going to be built up more with plants. I have to go kinda slow as everything needs to be approved by the executive branch of the house lest I overstay my welcome as a budding aquarist. The tangle sits underneath the powerhead so there won't be...
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    Partial stocking done!

    Here is an updated picture! Plant life is coming along nicely. I was able to get a photo of all of the fish together more or less! I am excited to get the 10 gallon fish in this weekend.
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    Bottled bacteria

    I had this issue, and in fact, continue to have this issue, despite my fish showing no signs of distress or ill health. Byron has explained this to me as the difference between ammonia and ammonium, one being detrimental to fish, one not, but both being detectable by commercially available test...
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    "Shattered Tree" - 140 ltr Opti-white

    wow, that's all I can say!!! Where the fish!~
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    Partial stocking done!

    Hobby5, thanks for your reply! I know that it needs denser vegetation which is what I assume you mean. I am working hard on that! Some more plants are on their way. Hopefully that'll help. Also working on getting an air stone in the tank. I have noticed he keeps his distance from the...
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    Partial stocking done!

    Hi everyone I wanted to give a quick update on my 50 gallon sand substrate project! Yesterday, I added a Flame Gourami, 2 Panda Corys, and 5 Harleys. So far, so good. I intend to move my 5 corys and 8 cardinals over in the next few days as well. Plants are Brazilian pennywort, Anubias Sp...
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    From 10 gallon to my new 50 gallon, here we go!

    So after several perfect chemistry days I have partially stocked the tank! I did it yesterday and the fish are so far, apparently, really getting used to the tank. There is a flame gourami, 2 panda corys, and 5 raspboras. Staring contest with the gourami! I am hoping to move my cardinals...
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    From 10 gallon to my new 50 gallon, here we go!

    The nitrate is from the tank, not the water, My tap tests 0.0 ppm every time for nitrate. I am hoping my pennywort arrives soon to throw that in there too. As you may remember, my water is so soft, ammonia API tests sometimes show ammonia even though it may actually be closer to zero...
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    From 10 gallon to my new 50 gallon, here we go!

    I did my first chemical panel this morning on the new tank: Ammonia 1.0 ppm Nitrite 0 ppm Nitrate 5-10 ppm Heater holding all of the water at a nice 77 degrees F. Byron, the plants are probably keeping the nitrate count artifically low, but there is obviously some sort of cycle beginning by...
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    What is this weird white mucous sludge?

    It's new, yeah, for sure. Boiled and soaked though, I can't imagine anything was able to live through 20 minutes of boiling water? What is it? LOL
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    What is this weird white mucous sludge?

    I did a little Google search and the only thing I could see is a cyanobacteria bloom of some kind? It's growing on the drift wood as seen below: this was not here yesterday when I looked at the tank. All of the driftwood was boiled and soaked so I am fairly sure that this isn't some weird...
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    From 10 gallon to my new 50 gallon, here we go!

    Baker, I love the Pygmy Cories, and if I can find some, I would love to put them in. I read on Seriously Fish that aquatic plants and them don't get along though... Perhaps they eat the plants moreso than do other fishes? My Java Fern are from a local fish store in San Francisco. They came in a...
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    How long will it take for this sand to settle?

    It's all settled! I have a thread up in the Planted Aquarium forum for updates. Thanks everyone :D
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    From 10 gallon to my new 50 gallon, here we go!

    Interested in any advice/comments/thoughts!
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    From 10 gallon to my new 50 gallon, here we go!

    "Day 5" So here it is. First day of Cycle, I placed one capful of Fluval's bio booster along with just a pinch of flake food. The filter is up and running and I have seeded some ceramic cylinders from my old tank that are seasoned. This little guy is already stretching toward the light...
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    From 10 gallon to my new 50 gallon, here we go!

    Oh no! I looked at LiveAquaria, which said that it can be planted, I hope I didn't do it wrong... So I should take the plant out of the sand and attach to it to driftwood? It's an odd looking plant for being "loose" not anchored into sand (unlike brazilian pennywort which looks like it's meant...
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    From 10 gallon to my new 50 gallon, here we go!

    I took your advice, Baker, and planted it. The rest of the parts should be arriving today (HOORAY) but here's what it looks like, on what I'll count as Day 4... I really want to get more plants in there. But I couldn't get it authorized through the executive branch yet (wife lol). I did get...
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    How long will it take for this sand to settle?

    Thanks you two for your replies. I have some questions of course. I want to learn everything there is to know about this stuff, so that maybe some day, I can be like Byron (yeah, right, but I can try) Byron, how can this be a bacterial bloom when it is completely inert, just play sand and...
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    How long will it take for this sand to settle?

    Hi everyone... Well, I am excited to get this tank set up, and I have had the sand Quikrete Play Sand, in there for over 24 hours now. It's still pretty cloudy. Difficult to see from one side of the tank to the other, for example. I painstakingly washed the Play Sand in 5 pound increments...