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  • hi peter im new on here and im looking fors some pelvicachromis subocellatus if you could get in touch if you still have some that would be great thanks
    Im still trying to find some Super Red Kribensis, there was some on Aquabid that I purchased but the seller didnt use breathable bags so they perished by the time they got to me. Please keep me in mind if you see any for sale in the USA Thanks Sherrie
    hi lizi only local places i know are fish shops in which i supply but they sell them at £2.50 each so im still far cheaper for cherry shrimp than anywhere lol
    At some point I'm hoping to get some shrimp for my community fish tank. Not yet because it's not cycled but hopefully soon... Where is best to get them from?
    Mostly live in Manchester but I'm originally from Bakewell so figured you might know some local places?
    i just recently joined, and am looking for some super red kribensis.. I am in the USA. Do you know where I might find some in the USA ? you cant ship from England can you?
    Thanks for the info,
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