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  • Hi! My book is called "The Dragon Prince." If I ever get my butt in hear and work on it again (hopefully will have more time now since I'm taking a semester off from college), it will be part of a trilogy entitled "Strength of the Dragon." I need to send those out! Gah! Been busy.
    its a dwarf frog she is full grown i have had her for over 4 years!!! she is not going to eat anything in my tank... thanks for the concern
    you're welcome hun, i love my rats and they always surprise me. Very interesting and never dull, you're doing a very good thing, adopting from a rescue place and i will look forward to reading your adventures with them.
    If you need help or have anymore questions, drop me a message.
    Beth x
    yeah, got 4 rats (3 does and 1 neutered buck), ask away, will help where i can x
    everything is going great thanks zophie!! slowly getting towards being fully cycled i'd imagine another week or so and will be ready for some fish :)
    is everything alright with your fishies :D
    very nice to hear from you
    Hi Zophie, thanks for adding me as a friend. See you around the forum. Regards, Athena x
    Yeah my golden retriever is 10. so shes pretty cruise. She does like to look at them in curiosity and tries to sniff my flying fox when his resting by the glass lol. She has brought many moments of entertainment to us.
    Okay, well thanks, salts155. Hey, were you the pearson who wrote the artical on Emperor Tetras? If yes, then great artical!!
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