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  • BethK I was needing to let you know sorry but you won't be able to have them. My friends neighbour wants them. She been wanting them for a fair few weeks now and i was waiting to see if anyone on here wanted them but she saw me earlier and i said i was selling them. She said she would pay £7.50 for them.
    LOL Beth, that joke made me laugh!!!!! XD Hahahha that's awesome, post it on the forum!
    Right do you want them three male corys? If you do are you ok with £10 postage and £2 for the actual corys? It's a discount as these corys all came to 15 when i bought them. They are all hi-fin, meaning all their fins and tails have extensions on them.
    Alessa x.
    Cheers for asking....nitrite today stil at 2.0ppm. I suppose i should be grateful it's not getting higher. Enjoy ya swimming
    The tank cycled in a couple of months and all was well. For some reason it's going through a nitrite spike. Tested this morning and is coming down so fingers crossed.
    hiya just saw the paranormal investigations website url are you into that sort of stuff?i can give you a good story about dad and step mum had a experience like no other and they starting to believe now theyre really into that aswell.
    my fish stock has double since we last spike 123
    not too far from me the next free weekend i get might pop down for a gander my lfs is gettin old news haha
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