Cucumber and clown loaches

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Aug 22, 2003
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OK, this is the first time I've posted a pic on here and I know it is a SHOCKER compared to all the others so please go easy on me! ;)

I fed my fish cucumber for the first time yesterday and they went mad for it, and as I'd never had them all in the same place for such a prolonged period I thought I'd take advantage of it!

You can just about see my three clowns - Emile (the biggest), is in the foreground, Milan and Micky are tucked away behind. You can also see my three evil Chinese Algae Eaters :devil: , in fact I'm now thinking of using cucumber as bait to get them all together so I can net them and take them back to my LFS!

Let me know what you think.


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Looks like a nice setup....what size tank is that?
Thanks - it's 40 (UK) gallons. Yes I know those clowns are going to need a bigger home before long... I'm looking into it ;) ! It looks pretty small in that pic because they were all huddled in that corner.

I also would like a black background for this tank as the yellow paint on the walls is washing them out a bit.
I am sure they will appreciate the new home once you get it for them! 3 cheers for the loaches!

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