Spawning Angels

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My angels were spawning a couple of hours ago, so I took some pictures. I wish they were clearer, but my digital photography skills are weak to begin with, and spawning isn't a stationary activity. The silver is the female, the marble is the male.


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:nod: They spawn every few weeks or so, and I always know when they're going to start by their behaviour, and the fact that her ovipositor just about starts dripping eggs about 12 hours or so prior to the big event. I watch them all the time, and although I've seen it countless times, I still feel privileged every time I witness it. Usually, I sit very quiet and still and just observe them respectfully, but tonight I decided they might not mind if I snapped a few pics. They didn't mind at all. :wub:
COOL!!! Angel porno!!! :p I never get tired of watching my angels spawn. It truly an amazing act to witness. I also have my 8 year old son watch in a attempt to explain the birds and the bees.
I think it's amazing, too. :)

My three year old daughter watches them spawn with me a lot. She also watches the guppy tank with me a lot, so she knows all about the difference between egg laying fish and live birthing fish..

She was freaking out the tourists when we visited the Vancouver Aquarium this summer and she was naming all the different types of fish and commenting on the size of the Amazon Sword plants in the angelfish tank. lol "Look Mommy. Are those neee -on tetras?" "No sweetie. Those ones are cardinals." "Oh yeah. They're bigger." lol and "Look at those fishies have cabomba in their tank!" And "Mommy look! They have silver angelfish just like our Mommy fish! Do you think they spawn on the Amazon sword plants in there like ours do at home?" :lol:
:wub: :wub: :wub: great pics :wub: :wub: :wub:

your daughter sounds precious :lol: :wub: :wub: :wub: , mine carries on in the same fashion about betta spawns (bubble nests always get her excited :rolleyes: ) ,look at us raising little fish freaks :lol: :wub: :wub:
Nice work, mamapish had some great pictures of spawning angels a while back a search should through them up, but these are really nice to see as well, I'm just glad you had a camera ready!! :) :thumbs:

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