Help! Help! Female Is Sick!


New Member
Oct 11, 2005
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I don't know what's wrong with my female betta. She has a white fuzzy thing under her one gill that's preventing her from breathing out of that one side. She's not active either but she will still go up to the surface for air. It's very possible it's a piece of old pellet food that got stuck in there cause I have seen them get fuzzy if they're not eaten and i know you're supposed to take old food out but they're so hard to spot with natural colored gravel. Is there something I can put in the water to break up the food or should I put some sort of fungus treatment in? We did put alittle salt in the water (not too much) to see if it would help but I'm still worried. Please, someone, help my poor June!
What size tank is it? Maybe a complete water change is in order. If you pull her out and change the water you'll be able to get a closer look to make sure it's not a fungus attack,plus you get to clean up the food. It's a win, win.
I agree with wuv you should take her out and gently use a fingernail to lift the flap to get a better look at it. It might be a small boil that has fungus on it or some sort of parasite. With a bit of luck you might be able to get it to move when you take her out the water.
I did forget to add that I did do a complete water change and I just put her back in about an hour ago. I really don't wanna pull at it cause i tried before and it almost seemed like it was attached to her so I'm afraid to touch it now. Here's a pic of what it looks like: june.jpg

Any thoughts?
Gah! I think you should get her some fungal meds asap. I don't think that's food :no:
What size tank is it? Maybe a complete water change is in order. If you pull her out and change the water you'll be able to get a closer look to make sure it's not a fungus attack,plus you get to clean up the food. It's a win, win.

By the way, it's a 10g.

I have this fungus med that's Jungle brand. It's called Binox and it's for fungus and bacteria. Should I use that?
Ok, it's in. Let's hope and pray this works. I don't want my little June to die... :-(

Thanks for your help guys. I really appreciate it.
A sad update...June didn't make it. :-( I found her under the filter. I did alittle experiment and i pulled at the fuzzy thing and it did come out but i didn't know what it was. It didn't look like food but not sure what it was. I did have to pull kinda hard so it's good I didn't do it when she was alive or it might have hurt her more. We didn't flush her down the toilet (so inhumane). My hubby and I took her out to the creek behind our apartment and sent her on her way. :byebye: I'm still upset but I'm glad to see her not suffering anymore... It was prolly the best thing for her in that condition.

She was a very pretty fish. I was hoping to breed her too.

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