Buying My First Betta...


Fish Crazy
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
Newcastle, uk
Okay, I'm in the process of buying my first betta.
At the moment i have a 6-7 gal tank, fully cycled and ready for a betta. I'm buying a male and in the future i may decide to buy a female and breed. With this in mind which fish would you advise me to buy?

All are happy/healthy and all are beautifully coloured. I'm just basically looking for advice from someone who's kept and bred bettas before.. based on fin colouration, texture etc. what would you advise?

Number 1:
Number 2:

its really hard to choose a breeding pair. may i ask where you are getting them from

Well i've been looking for a while and someone on these forums recommended i use k.g bettas, so thats what i've done. lol.
I've e-mailed the company and they've said if a female is required with any of these males, they can provide a suitable one without a problem.
:/ I'm just having trouble choosing a male.

and last but not least...

Number 3:
Go with 2 or 3.

Multicolours such as blue and red are quite common.

Purple is rare. Orange is too. Butterfly colouration is desirable.
yeah i think thats them, they were recommended by someone on these forums.
I'm still quite undecided, but no doubt if i sleep on it i'll have made up my mind.
Thanks for the advice :)
:hey: Good luck with your first Bettas! My only advice is to definitely get at least a few more Bettas and get used to cleaning multiple tanks and dealing with diseases/feeding/heating/filtering before spawning. Spawning will take over your LIFE, so you really need to be positive that you adore Bettas and you want to add substance to the species.

I agree, #3 looks the cutest to me. But, #2 is also lurvely. #1 is a nice Green/Red, but he has lots of mixed undefined coloring which is common. If I was really critical ;), #3 also has several pattern flaws but overall he's pretty nice! A nice female could balance out the flaws and give you some quality fry. I also suggest joining your local Betta club and attending a few meetings to form some friendships, they'll provide you with LOTS of homes for your babies if needed!

Hey :hey: if you feel like waiting a few months, I could send you a SUPER HAWT Green BF HM/close to HM pair

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