Spawned The Blues Again

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Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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After the mishap with the fry batch while I was away, and after cleaning out the spawn tank I decided to let my male royal back into the spawn tank (I usually let the males live in the tank for up to a week before a spawn, just my way). Well, only a few hours later he had a HUGE bubblenest, 5" diameter.

He and his spawn sib normally have tanks beside each other, so I let them see each other a little everyday, and have kept them conditioned since their last spawn., and her full of eggs. She came away with only one tear that time which is already healed, they really LOVE each other, these two, lol.

So, with my male actively tending his empty nest today, I decided to float the female in a cup and see if they were interested. She barred up and went submissive right away. I left them that way for most of the morning. I released her an hour ago, and they went STRAIGHT to spawning with no courtship! They have been the most beautiful gentle spawners I've ever seen. (last time I missed the actual embrace) No fighting, and she also has great nestcare I love this pair so much! So they are actively embracing and carrying the eggs up in partnership right now. I am sooo happy! :wub: So I guess my turq pair will have to wait for their turn to spawn, hehe.. :wub:
It would be nice if their offspring inherit some of this cooperative behavior. Good luck with the spawn, and I hope the best for the babies.
Thanks, they did a great job, and spawned for three hours. I just removed the female, the nest is HUGE, abnout 8" or more across, I have a feeling we are going to have a big spawn! I'll try to take some pics later I hate disturbing them and I usually have to take 20 just to get one decent one ;) :D
A few pics, the nest is shown smaller (bout half the size) than it is in reality bubble2.jpg

here is dad on dutybubble3.jpg
:hyper: yay! I do get blue BF babies after all!!! What a nice nest, and it sounds like you've got an awesome pair. I'm sure this spawn will be even better now that they're experienced. Good luck with the babies!

...Hopefully no one will be scooping oatmeal into the fry tank this time :shifty:
Awww how sweet! He’s being so protective of his little babies. What a good daddy!! :nod: :)

He has such a gorgeous butterfly pattern on him too! Quite stunning! :wub:
Wow Dad was busy all night, he kept on blowing now the nest is bigger than my foot, lol
Well, the first babies started dropping down at 1pm today! There are alot! The daddy is soo good, his nest covers half the ten gallon tank now. He's very busy as you can imagine, picking up to 8 babies at a time in his mouth before gently tucking them back into bed :wub: Here are a few picsbubblea.jpgbubblec.jpg

more picsbubbleb.jpg

last twobubbled.jpgbubblee.jpg
Wow, lookit that nest! :hyper: That's beautiful in and of itself . . . it's so wonderful to hear he's that dedicated. I hope my next spawn can be done with a less cannibalistic papa too :lol: Cannot wait to see what you get out of this one- looks like it's going to be a bumper crop of beebees, too, what with the size of the nest and your papa's dedication. I'm so thrilled for you :thumbs:
Definitely is a big spawn, I can actuallys ee at least 100, so who knows how many are hiding well! They are at that wriggly stage right now, where they fall constantly and sometimes can swim back up - Daddy is diligent but I can see him starting to get frustrated and overworked. I'm staying up a little late to watch him, if he stops picking them up or starts ignoring them I will prob take him out tonight - I hate to leave them when they start to get frustrated esp overnight :crazy:

Aww they are so wittle :fun:

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