Threadfin paradise fish

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Leader of the Fishes
Feb 8, 2003
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I picked up this little guy over the weekend, a fish so rare that most fish keepers have never even heard of it let alone seen one, heres the link to a PFK artical on the fish for those interested

Its about 3" long and already feeding well on frozen bloodworm and gamma shrimp, curently in freshwater but from the next water change i will be slowly bringing the salinity up to about 1.010 SG

No no noooo, this fish will never share a tank with any other fish unless i am lucky enough to ever find another one, they are so delicate that even the 20 minute drive home from the shop nearly killed it. Rumour has it that if any of the long whiskers are damaged then the fish faces almost certain death and i'm not prepared to find out if thats true.

As for the picture taking i thought arowana's were hard to photo till i sat down to photograph this guy, i have deleted something like 300 pictures just to get those 6 reasonabe ones :crazy:
What a stunning fish ! :drool: :wub:
Worth investing in a brackish tank !
ah ha, opps just reasd your other reply in chit chat brackish-marine :rolleyes:

what kind of size does he get to, i could get to the info on PFK have to register, too lazy right now :p
uh oops - just posted the same as CFC :)
:lol: that's cheating ! putting it back into my post like that. Never knew you could backtrack my own post :blink:

So CFC, did you place a special order for this fish or did you just happen to spot
it ? 20 minute drive ? which shop are we talking about - out of interest ?

Common name: Paradise threadfin
Scientific name: Polynemus paradiseus
Size: About 25cm/10".
Origin: Estuarine waters from Sri Lanka, India and Pakistan. These were imported from Thailand.
Water: This is a euryhaline species and enters freshwater. Those featured here were packed in freshwater and are kept in hard, alkaline freshwater.
Aquarium: A spacious aquarium is a must, over 120cm/4', as well as wide and deep. They have very long appendages and use them to feel their surroundings. They are said to be quite sensitive to poor water quality.
Diet: Wild fish eat small shrimps and fishes. Captive specimens are tricky to feed initially. These needed live
daphnia and brineshrimp to start, but now take frozen foods. They become hyperactive when food is added.
Habitat: Sandy estuaries.
Availability: We found these at Wildwoods in Crews Hill, Middlesex.
Notes: A member of the Polynemidae family which includes 33 predominantly marine and brackish water species in seven genera. Contrary to some talk in the trade, these are not catfishes.
Rarity rating: As rare
as rocking horse droppings - this is the first one we've ever seen!
:lol: and i just deleted mine because i saw your post :rofl:

i've edited yours back in, you would be suprised at what we can do :shifty:

I found it at a store quite local to me swimming around in a tank full of young angel fish, hense it didnt stay there very long :lol:
The shop is one in a garden centre near Chessington World of Adventures, cant remember the name but it has some great stock but crap staff.
CFC said:
you would be suprised at what we can do  :shifty:


CFC said:
The shop is one in a garden centre near Chessington World of Adventures, cant remember the name but it has some great stock but crap staff.
oh cool just a 20 minute drive from me too then - will check it out some time.
Great find CFC! :thumbs:
Real beauty :nod:

EDIT: You should warn us before you edit a post with out putting the "Edit By" line :p

Beautiful fish! I have seen Threadfish Paradise Catfish on our import list, but they have been VERY expensive, so never bothered to look up much about it!

Will be interesting to see how it grows.

while it is a beaut, i have to admit i tuned in to see a certain large-bodied anabantoid by the same name :lol:

i'd be having heart attacks over those long whiskers :crazy: what size tank have you got him in at current?

Dwarf_Dude said:
EDIT: You should warn us before you edit a post with out putting the "Edit By" line :p

indeed! you did that to me once and i thought i was losing my mind! :p
At the moment its in a 30x12x15" tank all by its self, which is fine for a 3" fish, eventually i will move it into something in the region of 48x18x18" unless i find some more in which case i might put them into something slightly larger.
Out of interest, do you have any decor etc. in that tank or is it bare with sand only ?

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