my new plants


Fish Crazy
Apr 20, 2003
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i bought 3 new plants today but i don't know what they are. i've looked all day on the internet but couldn't find any info. here's a pic of my 20gal. i still need to get a background. :/


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bubbles12003 said:
here's a pic of my plants

Well the one on the left, with the silver spots on the leaves is not an aquatic plant. It's commonly called an aluminum plant. I've grown them as regular house plants. They do well, at first, then they die. The longest I've had one was 6 months in a tank, and that was when I was new to the hobby, like 15 years ago. I've only put true aquatics in my tank ever since.

It is a very pretty tank, but be aware that your plants may not be true aquatics and they can decay.

If you want information, try looking under house plant websites. I'm pretty sure you'll find most of your plants, perhaps, are in that category.

Now that I look more, the other plant doesn't look like an aquatic either. It looks like a palm of some time, but I could be wrong. I'm not sure about the little potted one in the middle, though. What are the shape of it's leaves? That one could be a true aquatic, but without a closer picture, I can't be sure.
well it doesnt supprise me that its not aquatic as this store doesnt know much about fish. here's a closer pic of the middle one


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this one is an anubia spec. i had a little tage in the pot it came in


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i had an aluminum plant and if fell apart and died a few weeks after i bought it.
a good way to tell if a plant is aquatic or not is too see if it stands upright by itself. if it does then its not an aquatic plant. there are a few exceptions though, like the anubias for example.
well i went out today to a true pet store and bought real aqautic plants. :) i know now not to buy plants at the department store, only fish :)

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