My crappy tank


Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
wat can i say, it sucks. any suggestions? appart from it needing some TLC


  • eh_2.jpg
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Try a background. I use black plastic garbage bags, their cheap.

heres a video of my fishing eating. kinda cool.

It's never going to happen overnight! Take your time, choose carefully, and build it up slowly. That way you will be happier, and so will your fish.

Just remember that everytime you add additional decor or plants to your tank, you may be breaking up territories, so keep an eye on things for a few days afterwards. There might be a little aggression whilst they re-assert their patches.

It will get how you want it, just be patient. :D

Its needs some height at the back, try some large mopani or bogwood to build up the background, and then some taller plants, with a little more bulk to them, maybe some Amazon swords and some Twisted Vallis. It will be a busier picture then. :cool:


PS, I think it looks cool anyway, at least you can see your fishmates!
Hey it's not a crap tank it's great!! Looks lovely and clean and well cared for. I agree add a background. If you're in the uk, Homebase do a self-adhesive black backing that's 4.49 for 2 metres. Much easier than fiddling with selotape or glue.
Personally I'd add a piece of bogwood or 2 as height then some more plants like wisteria or the fast-growing hornwort. Give the fish a few more hiding places. But you're doing great.
The tank actaully look pretty great :D What kind of plant is that that`s reaching the very top? I'd also remove the white statuette.
Also, maybe try building up some small hills with the rocks. One hill on each side, with the right side being a little bit larger, but no rocks between them.
crappy tank yeah. Mine most be aweful then.

I think it looks really good. I love the simplicity of it and should imagine its very peaceful to watch.

I like it :thumbs: :thumbs:

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