added a couple more pics


Aug 16, 2005
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Oregon, United States
Ok so we had a pond mishap. Long story shorter. Pond leaking put fish in holding hard pond liner, liner got busted, water going away very ver fast, so I moved the three goldfish into my aqaurium. They have been in there for three days now which is really ticking my Oscar off so he has taken to tearing the powerhead apart but has not touched any of the fish so fingers crossed hoping to keep them there till cement is cured.

Here is my overcrowded for the moment 80 gallon family.
here is oscar the grinch look at his poor nose thats from the power head battles :( grinch.jpg

lol I was trying to get a pic of the Firewall Eeel like fish :) lol sticking his head out of the water but when he finally did it I missed the shot, and screamed at him cause I am an idiot and he scares me when he makes his snappy noise and bobs his head at me. SO the poor little guy is back in hiding again.

This is Rat RAt he didnt want to be left out so he attacked my foot till I took one of him to. rat_rat.jpg

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