Hi Everyone Well I'm hoping to start a sorority tank real soon--like by this weekend..I should hopefully be getting a 30 gallon tank a friend gave me..thus far I have 2 petstore bettas and will be getting one from my aquabid auction-the rosetail female-4 months old and one from Synirr And possibly a 5th one, if the surprise betta I get is a female..Anyhow...just have some questions and would love any/and all input and suggestions..OK. so I'm going to make sure to get nice silk plants and plenty of hidey spots ect..My main fear is that maybe the younger girls-namely the 4 and 2 month betta are too young for the sorority tank? I'm afraid the bigger girls-the petstore girls will bully them..I want them all to be happy and healthy and wnated to see what you guys thought..Also...FRom your own experience..what should I expect when I first introduce them..I'm guessing some fighting..although I pray not too much..omg I feel myself so nervous..lol I might not sleep that night..just watching and praying Thanks for any input guys...Take Care
There will probably be fighting to begin with, yes, and normally I would say the bigger girls will probably beat up on the smaller ones... but my girls are mean little witches, so they probably won't beat up on mine too bad
30 gallons is a good size for a female community though, big enough for them all to have territories and places to hide... it's worth a try as long as you provide plenty of cover and watch them carefully the first couple of days, I think.
I'm so jealous. 30 gallon female tank! I love my 10, so I can't imagine what I'd be like if I could get a 30! Definitely expect some fighting, Hopefully not too bad though. Mine was really bad at first, and one has had to be removed, but just keep an eye on things and it should work out fine.
Synirr- You mean you have little witches too. The mgct girl that wuv sent me beat up everything in my tank, everyone hid until I finally figured out why. Hmmmm she was the only one with no ripped fins, swimming around looking all innocent like, "what me, I didn't do anything"
lol I can't wait to set up my sorority..I hope by some time next week..So far have 2 females from the petstore, 1 rose tail female(from aquabid) and 1 surprise female(triband color) from aquabid ..so far that makes 4 and then Synirr's baby next week..yay! Gosh I have to name them..lol I was so good naming my first 3 bettas but can't seem to come up with names for my other fish..maybe I'll post some pics of the future sorority mates and you guys can give me your opinion Take Care Everyone
ok..here are some of pics of the female sorority memebers thus far
This is the first female I bought about 2 weeks ago..shes really active..always happy swims right up to the front to greet me I don't know much about femlae tail types..would you guys say shes a veiltail? Oh and any name suggestions are more than welcome..I just can't come up with names for my newer bettas..LOL
oh my god I just noticed that big chunck missing in her bottom fin..poor baby..omg..OK....will do a 100% water change and add some aquarium salt and betta-fix..poor baby
Here's one of the surprise bettas I got yesterday..shes described as a Tri-band female..does she look like a delta tail? Also, any name suggestions for any would be awesome
by the way..I noticed those 3 white lines..or light colored lines on her this morning..i guess they are vertical going down her..is that Ok? I just got her yesterday..is she stressed? I worry a lot sometimes..lol
Awww lovely ladies.
Mine don't fight. I have 7 in a 30g along with 5 g.danios, a baby peach spot plec and angelicus (syno). They all do well together. The two newest females are still a little unsure about it all as they're not used to being in such a group but seem to be adjusting well. All the girls are v.friendly. Overly so sometimes. One of the younger girls nearly got sucked into the syphon this morning when she was being nosey! She's fine tho and didn't know what all the fuss was about.
P.Edit:Going down her...like top to bottom? Could be stress related. Most of my girls have stripes from face to tail but they've always had them. One has turned out the most georgeous blue. Think rich summer sky blue only more intense.
awww..lol Yeah from my observations of my males and females..The females seem to be a lot more curious and friendly..at least in the sense that they follow each other(some have tanks right next to one another)..lolCan't wait to see how they react when placed together
wow i wouldn't have noticed the first one's ripped fin if you didn't mention it. it just looks like an extra fin. don't feel bad. any one could have made the mistake. and if i remember correctly vertical bars either mean stress or breeding bars.. i think.
cool..thanks for your suggestions platy and miss dib So..I'm hoping the vertical lines are from the stress of yesterday..poor baby..You know I really wasn't expecting 4 fish yesterday(don't get me wrong-I was very happy..but it was a surprise)..LOL Thank Goodness I had an extra tank..I had to "borrow" stuff from my other tanks to accomodate all the fishies with at least a plant or hidey spot and some are lucky to have both..will try and make a trip to Petland later..they are just so darn expensive But want to buy a few more plants..altho they only really have 2 or 3 different styles to choose from..especially from the cloth plants..I know plastic plants are bad for male bettas due to their sensitive tail..would you guys say its also true for female bettas? They plastic plants at the store look really pretty sometimes..Thanks again guys and Take care