I need help fast (Update)

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hazard Kentucky
I think the diseases is jumping from one tank to another, I posted about my angel about two weeks ago. And now my oscar has the same thing. THey are a whte film over its eye what is causing this...
Are they both in the same tank? What is the tank size and water stats. And does the fish that have this film over their eyes swim and eat normally?
This is so hard to explain. But here goes the water readings.Ammonia is 0 and the nitrite is also 0, As for the nitrates I dont have a clue I ran out of testing kit for them I have to wait till morning to get that reading. Around two weeks Ago I posted about my angel having a film over its eye and I still havent got it to respond to medicine. I have used marycyn one and two. And I even mixed them both. Well since I wasnt having any luck with niether of them two I went to the lfs and I got some different medicine It is called Formalin3 and I seem to have had good luck with it at least the angel was starting to look a little better. Ok here goes the story with the oscars, I cant believe they even got this in the first place because I spend most of my free time changing water and I know this did not come from the tanks being dirty. I noticed the oscars both had white film over thier eyes. And this new medicine says it works best if you use it as a dip and that is what I done Plus I also added some salt. Because it looks like fungus to me. Well I let them stay in the dip plus the salt for a total of 50 minutes like the bottle says to do, Then I put them back in the tank and came back to check on them and they both looked 10 times worse that what they did from the start. Here is a picture see if someone knows what the hell this is. I cant stand to lose my oscars and by the way they are in a 29 gallon tank until they grow a little more so I can add them to the 180 gallon, without the fear of them being eating..Here is the pictures please help me someone..As you can tell my tanks are clean And that is the way I keep them I just dont understand, I am sorry for the long post but I just need help ASAP//Thanks in advance


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Not the writer of this information.

Cloudy Eye- Cloudy eye can have many causes. Look for signs of Velvet Disease, Ick, and Fish tuberculosis. However, sometimes this is caused due to bacterial infections. Symptoms: One or both eyes become cloudy, and take a whitish appearance. Fish may show signs of distress, and be off-color and behave abnormally. Treatment: Establishing the likely cause of the problem and treating it as soon as possible is the best way to prevent damage to your fish's nervous system. The incidences of cloudy eye can be maintained by keeping the water quality in a good condition, and adding a small amount of aquarium salt to the water at water changes. There are many good medications available at your local pet stores that deal with this problem. Follow the recommended accordingly. (back to top)
I dont have a clue as to what is causing this I keep my tanks clean. Can the salt dip and the Formalin3 be the cause of the fish turning white like this??Because they just had a white film over thier eyes until I put them in the dip and added salt. I left them for a hour and came back and they looked just like the picture. It has me worried sick. I did notice the small fish's color was fading a little. But how would they get velvet and the water is such good quailty. I mean I keep these tanks near perfect..I know people dont believe me when I tell you this but I can take pictures of each of my tanks and show everyone what I am talking about...
Most deseases can live in the tank and if a fish gets stressed they kick in, or fish added to the tank that haven't been quarantined, i no how you feel, i clean my tanks twice a week, cloudy eye is usually a symptom to a desease rather than a desease in it's self, there in something going on have to find the cause, from bacteria to parasite, not that easy with out a microscope, is there lfs who does take samples in your area.
i dont know much about this but as far as how the disease go there do you use the same nets and equipment and stuff with all your tanks. if so the diease could have been spread over to the oscar tank from your angelfishes tank trough the net or in the siphon or what ever.
No I have different nets for each tank. I just am worried sick I cant stand for my fish to be sick I got a little better picture I am going to post it now..


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Some one please help me I dont want to lose these little fellows I have had both of them since they was only about a inch long..I am sorta thier mommies now. THey look at me and they are begging me to do something..And all I have done is added some maracyn and A little salt. Please let me know what I am doing wrong..
Take a real close look at the fish, can you see any tiny flecks of gold dust? It will look like someone has very lightly dusted them with a gold glitter.

If you can then it is velvet which is difficult to treat but if caught quickly can be stopped, i will tell you how to treat velvet if you confirm thats what it is.

If there is no sign of tiny gold spots then my next diagnosis is Columaris, which is a bacterial disease and will need a strong anti bacterial medication to treat it. Unfortunately being the wrong side of the pond i cant actually recomend a medication as yours are different to ours but i think Maracyn or Maracyn 2 are usually used in this situation, can any Americans confirm that?
Im not that great on Oscars but I do know alot of cichlids turn white when under a huge amount of stress. Once they start to stress for to long there slime cost will disappear alot whitch cause's infections to the body. Salt wont really help but as CFC said Maracyn might do the trick. How big are the other fish in the 180g? it might be time to move the oscars into there to stop the stress levels..
no velvet, they are worse it looks like cotton hanging in strings i will get some more pictures what should i do????
Could it be external parasites or perhaps even fungus ? :dunno:
Gosh it's doesn't look good at all :/

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