Please help me figure out what this is

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hazard Kentucky
I noticed this on my pleco this morning. It is a hole right behind its eye I hope you can see it..


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Sorry no i can't see it never heard of this before, an hole behind the eye, any whitness to it, does he look in discomfort with it, any specs of white or the eye, check the other one as well.
No it is just a hole I cant get a close up it will hide on me if I get any closer to it than the picture. The whole looks as if someone drilled it into the plecos head. No redness nothing else around it, Let me go try to get another picture of it, But I doubt if I can. I have never seen anything like this before, I dont know what to make of it.
Tumour or something that has eaten away at the eye, or a parasite like eye flukes but if it's behind the eye, is it a clean hole dosn't look like it been eaten away.
I got some more pictures see if you can tell anymore about the hole now..


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In the pic the eye look cloudy to me is it, does it look like he's losing the eye.
No his eye looks ok to me, I have had this fish for almost 3 years now I would like to try my best with him.. That is how it goes with me I get to keep them for two or three years and then they get something the matter that I cant get well and they die..
Looked everywhere and can't find anything, does it look like he's losing the eye, i don't no what to suggest to be honest, maybe just observe for now o see if anything else happens.
Been reading but found nothing similar to your but could it of been an ulcer behind the eye hat has turned to a hole.
To be honest I dont know what to make of it myself. I wish I did. I think I will pm CFC and see what he has to say..I was hoping you would know something to tell me... :dunno:
What other fish do you have in the tank and could he have spiked it on anything like a plastic plant leaf as some of those can be really pointy.
He is in with another pleco and a oscar. That is it and thier isnt to many tank ornaments in thier yet...So I think I could rule that out pretty fast.
ya think he could've hit himself really hard? i dunno, that's what i can think of.
It looks like a bacterial ulcer which can form after a minor inury. To begin with treat the tank by doing daily water changes and adding melafix but if things dont appear better after a week or suddenly become worse before that then switch to a strong anti bacterial medication.
Thanks I will get him out of the 180 gallon then. That tank is too big to start battling a infection. I will do a water change in it. Or do you think I should treat my oscar also??I dont want these fish to get ill on me. And thanks again I was starting to get worried. This is the first time I have ever seen a hole like that in a fish.

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