My frontosa

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Jul 29, 2005
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here is a pic of my frontosa form a couple months ago


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here are some new pics i took tonight





why do you have a frontosa in a tank with an Oscar and an Acara

beacuse thats the way it is lol why shouldent I they get along fine
they are in a 20g holding tank while my 90g cycles for them all three uf them are under 5"
modernhamlet said:
AFO said:
beacuse thats the way it is lol why shouldent I they get along fine

Dare I ask how big the tank is?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
No kidding!

AFO~ I don't know why you would want to stock a new 90 with such unsuitable tankmates. Seriously. Oscars do best on their own, they grow into real "buttheads" from what I understand. And frontosa are more peaceful and they really do much better with their own kind. I keep 8 together and I can never imagine one thriving on his own. I don't think it's possible. Not even mentioning the fact that they require different care and come from opposite ends of the world.

Aside from all that...they're beautiful fish. Do the right thing for them. They may be doing fine now, but remember that the fronts live for 20+ years, and oscars live for over're bound to have problems as they come of age. Seriously.
wuvmybetta said:
modernhamlet said:
AFO said:
beacuse thats the way it is lol why shouldent I they get along fine

Dare I ask how big the tank is?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
No kidding!

AFO~ I don't know why you would want to stock a new 90 with such unsuitable tankmates. Seriously. Oscars do best on their own, they grow into real "buttheads" from what I understand. And frontosa are more peaceful and they really do much better with their own kind. I keep 8 together and I can never imagine one thriving on his own. I don't think it's possible. Not even mentioning the fact that they require different care and come from opposite ends of the world.

Aside from all that...they're beautiful fish. Do the right thing for them. They may be doing fine now, but remember that the fronts live for 20+ years, and oscars live for over're bound to have problems as they come of age. Seriously.

well seeing as they have bolth grown up together in the same water condishions they will be fine together oscars can handel p.h up to 7.2 and that is what i keep it at

and the statement "from what I understand" makes me wonder why you even thing you can say somin like that? im a new member here and yes i know im just one member and im not a big deal if you abnn me i just came on here to share pictures with you and you go and laugh at me. you fallow the books to much. i bet when someone has 11 1" neons in a 10g you freek out beacuse WOW THATS WHAY OVER STOCKED the 1" per gallon rule well here let me blow some steam up your ass i had 4 neons 3 black neons 3 hatchet fish one 4" pleco 1 rummy nose black eyed x ray tetra and guppys and algee eating shrimp in my 10g they all live awsome they were happy. always had full colours. i just resantly gave them to a friend with a 29g that is loaded with fish. you need to ease off. especially on new members there was a forum created by the members who dont like this site and is already 600+ members i say you start beeing a lil easyer to your members and give positive coments insted of taking craps on people!

and thats my 2 cents
YAY just got a arrowanna for in my 10g he looks so cool
Oh excuse me, I hadn't realized you were a know it all :zz
Obviously you can't handle a little friendly criticism and you seem a bit touchy and insecure in your stockng decisions.
No point in carrying this on further, I can see how concerned you are with the well-being of your fish :)
tsk tsk tsk AFO
A previously Banned member, who bashes this forum, on another forum, then comes back, and is begining to be banned again
two words to describe you

and thats my 2 cents :p
hey dd i never once bashed this forum

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