The pics I am posting of the fish are all from the same 55 gallon tank. I know a lot of people don't think you can keep all of these fish together with success. The proof is in the pics. With good care of your tanks, your fish will live happy lives. There are exceptions to this rule. Some fish do not have the temperament to live with the others. Mine may in some cases be the exception but it has worked in this tank for over a year now.
I am still trying to get good pics of the black skirt tetras. They reflect the flash so much that the pics just don't do them justice. They are in the same tank as well. At this time I only have the one tank running!
very nice, I was given a Jack dempsy by someone who couldn't keep him, I for one though was not going to test him out (as mellow as he seems in iso by himself in a 20long (he's about 3-4" or so) I am not going to take a chance of him getting in w/ my more peaceful cichlids in my 55g, glad it's working out for you though.
I don't think, if my JD hadn't been with other fish all of his life, that we would have the success we have had. Environment plays a big part in what we can do in our tanks. Almost any fish raised on its own, probably wouldn't take well to suddenly being in a community.
Boy do i sympathize with you there. My skirts have a wicked glare(but it's due to their healthy shine so i dont mind all that much ) and i mostly just get pics like this : http/
Your JD is just beautiful and I'm surprised he hasn't made lunch of your cories or tetras yet.
My Jack Dempsey is really peaceful I raised him with yellow labs when he was about half an inch. But idk how he would react now to them cuz he so much bigger.
Thank you all for the compliments. I love all of my fish and really miss having all the tanks we had before we moved. This is the only one we have left out of seven!
Our fish really are a treat to watch. The computer sits right beside the tank. Yesterday, I didn't turn on the light when I got up like I normally do. I was sitting here at the computer and all of a sudden I got splashed all over the arm with water. I looked over and Jack, as we call the JD, was just in the corner looking at me. I turned on the lights and he immediately went to the top waiting for his breakfast! LOL He is a really gentle fish and does so well in the community setting.
lol my Oscar splashes me to get my attention. Have the tank set up in my room, not so cool when he wakes me up especially since my bed is on the opposite side of the room as the tank. I have a full glass lid too he slams his into it and splashes out water then sits and waits to see if I will respond if I pretend not to notice he does it again. I think he might be the boss