My fishie/betta tanks


Jul 5, 2005
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United States
Even the ones I'm ashamed of ^___^

Unfortunatly my photobucket wont work for me today, so I need to attatch images... So sorry about teh multi-post post :p

This is my poorly lit WALL of TANKS. ^^ After I move my TV, the tanks will stretcha ll the way to the other wall, because I have a shelf there I migh start usign for 2 gallon betta tanks ^^
Mr. Berry and his 5-gallon

The divided tank I fixed up a few days ago, in preperation for Nash's arrivals. Each side is 2.75 gallons, and once the patched up silicon dries, I'll go ahead and add lots more plants and hidey stuff!
The 2.5 gallon I went and bought. I was going to use that for the calmest, most-suited-for-small-tank-like betta I got from Nash, but due to a sudden devistating unknown illness, my only betta friendly enough for the community tank is in here now.

Because of that, I was short a tank... So you get to see my embarrasing temporary tank for one of the poor arrivals ^_^

THIS... Is my dad's favorite spaghetti bowl >_> Hopefully he wont notice it's gone! It's 1.5 gallons, clear (though yellow), and was the only large bowl I could find with a lid. Considering it's actually quite wide, and only about4 inches of depth in water, I actually think it will be quite a plesent home for the new betta. I imagine he'll enjoy it while it lasts ^_^ This is only for a week, 2 at the most, until either I can put someone back in the community tank (hopefully I'll have at least one non-aggressive, btu I wont risk it if I'm not sure it'll work out) or I can afford a new 2.5 gallon. (Yes, 15 bucks is hard for me to come by ^___^

And lastly, here is my rare, exotic land fish... Erm, Gerbil ^_^ I hope to use this tank for female bettas in the future (I've been meanign to get his cage out of the attic), or use it to get 2 dwarf freshwater puffers. But considering money/space issues, we have awhile before that happens ^^

Wow, I just realized how messy and gross everything in my room looks ^^ I might clean up all the area around my fishtanks and get better looking just so I stop looking like I'm unsanitary ^^

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