Pictures of "My Boys"


Fish Crazy
Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Atlanta, Georgia USA
Ok...was able to borrow the digital camera from work so I can finally show off my boys. I apologize for any flash glare :/ . Hope you like. :D

Solomon's up first...then Samson.


  • Solomon4.JPG
    70.1 KB · Views: 70
Ok...I could go on and on since I filled up a couple of disks with pictures of my boys...each, according to their mom, different...but to anyone else they'd basically all look the same :p .

So I'll stop do they have any FOTM potential??
they are pretty boys i love that red one I cant seem to keep the red ones alive it seems like every time I buy a red betta it always dies within a matter of days I love them they are pretty fish.
Thanks! He's actually a deep, dark orange...unfortunately, with the camera, he showed up red. He's my favorite :wub: Samson practically pees all over himself when I come up to his tank, he eats from my hand, and follows my finger along the side of his tank. I luv that little guy :D

I had some problems initially uploading the do you delete a thread (I have two others where I was trying to do the the pictures and I'd like to delete them so there's no confusion)
1 x nomination for fish of the month for the first photo of the red betta and the first photo of the turqoise betta :D > most impresive betta i have seen !!! owned by someone sother than a breed er or are u ??? :thumbs:
Superb photots of 2 lovely looking specimens.

I nominate Solomon (Final photo) for FOTM.

I like these fish but why are they always kept in such small tanks on their own?
I know the males will often fight eachother but they don't fight other fish; in fact in mt experience they are often victims of fin nippers?
Thanks so much aernympha! Wow...what a compliment. No, I'm not a breeder. Just a first time fish owner giving my boys lots of love and attention. I've had Solomon since 7/23/03 and got Samson about a week later. I love them both...but Samson's my 'baby'...he's to the point now where he'll eat from my hand.

Nik, there's a great thread in the Betta Bowl forum about whether or not 1/2 gallons are too small. I won't repeat what I said in there...but there are differences of opinion, but basically IMO if someone's willing to do whatever it takes to keep their betta's home clean/healthy and if the betta is truly happy, then I feel anything from 1/2 gallon on up is fine. But go check out that thread though. :) Thanks so much for the Solomon nomination. He's a little full of himself so I KNOW he appreciates it. ;)

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