I am trying to clean the bottom of my 5 gallon fry tank daily. At this time, I use the turkey baster. It's rather time consuming, and I miss lots of spots, and am afraid of siphoning fry. What method works best for you?
I've had recommendations from breeders to either affix some netting to the end of a regular gravel vac when the fry get larger, or, especially when they're very small, to just use a length of rubber tubing as a siphon (the smaller opening is easier to keep an eye on, or even half-cover with your thumb to control access).
Airline tubing is a great siphon when the fry are small because the current is low and easy for the fry to avoid... best to check the bucket once you're done though, just incase!
I put 6 corydoras pygmaeus in my 5 gallon fry tank today. They are dwarf corys. The person I got them from said that you put them in a betta fry tank when the fry are 5-7 days old. They don't eat the fry, the tank floor looks vacuumed, and now I won't have to spend time siphoning. These miniature corys are great.
A group of corydoras pygmaeus next to a small sponge filter
The pygmy corys also stir up the tank bottom and the sponge filter has a lot more junk on it. I got them from bluebetta.com. Here is the link: http/www.bluebettausa.com/galleryac4.htm
Oooh, do they really? I can't have a sandy substrate because I'm so scared I'd forget to stir it, but if those little guys can do as good a job as loaches . . . hmmm
The cory pygmies can swim fast along the floor, so the stuff they don't eat gets suspended into the water for the sponge filter to get. The fry tank is noticeable cleaner. I worry less about bacterial blooms from uneaten food. Best of all: less agonizing work for me! The person I got them from is nice. He threw in a few extra fish in my order.
Thanks for the link, I may have to order me some
I imagine they also help keep fry off the bottom, which is good. I've read that bacteria on the bottom of the tank is one reason that you sometimes find fry without ventrals in a spawn... the bacteria attacks their developing fins. That might be hogwash, though
I ordered 5 to try out, and he sent me an extra one. But I wish I ordered more. In my inquiry to him about the pygmies, he said that 5-10 can go into a ten gallon fry tank. He also got in a bunch of beautiful halfmoon plakats pairs this week.