Pictures of Taggart and Toffee


Fish Crazy
Apr 1, 2005
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Here are some pictures of my beloved Taggart and my new kitten Toffee:


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Ahhh cute :wub: I take it Taggart is the fish ? :dunno:
Couldn't quite figure it out so the pics will be on different posts!


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:lol: Taggart is the other CAT !
Taggart is very beautiful too :nod:
Pretty Kitty's! I used to have 3 lovable Cats.... R.I.P Natalie, Tia, and Madaline.
Thank you. Taggart is my baby! I wanted a ginger tom for about 10 years before I got him and he was worth the wait.

He's got a lovely character, very soppy and sweet!

Toffee is a handful, but she's only young. I am dreading her injections though. I always think it's harder when they're so small. I am going to get the normal ones first and the leukaemia one a little later (Taggart had them all at once but I've heard bad things about that since then)
Well last week Toffee managed to find a houseplant we had forgotten about that was on the dining room windowsill. She had been tugging the leaves off and playing with them/eating them. Anyway towards the end of the week she started being sick and we though it was the plant. We 'phoned the vet who said she would be fine and pick up again. She stopped eating sat morning and after repeatedly bugging the vets they agreed to see her tuesday morning.

We have been worming her since we got her so she was on a second course this week. Panacur paste over three days. Then at the vets she had two injections (antibiotics and one of those glucose type ones). They also gave us a nutrional paste to give her twice a day!!

After all this medicating she was in a very bad mood!! i think she started eating again just so we'd leave her alone!!

In the end the vets reckon she has worms because she came from a farm and has never been wormed before she came to us. So the plan is to keep up with panacur every fornight until she is 12 weeks.

Anyway after staying up with her on sunday and monday night I am just pleased she seems to be improving. Her appetite has returned as has her playfulness.

Just thought I would share this with you as I know the cat lovers among you will understand how emotional this week has been for me (hubby just doesn't get it "it's just a kitten, it's not the end of the world blah, blah..!")
I like the second picture POTM for it. I am a sucker for those grey calico's good luck with getting a second..
Thank you for the nomination, my first one. Well, Toffee's first one really!!
She really is a stunning cat and her and Taggart have started playing together a little bit. She just pounces on him and hangs off his face so he doesn't really have much choice!! I have tried to get a picture of it but to no avail!!

I like the second picture POTM for it. I am a sucker for those grey calico's good luck with getting a second..

I think you're just a sucker for any pet, would that be true by any chance?!!

Thanx again though, it made my day to get the nom!!
I'll second that, the grey cat Toffee! for POTM What a cutie!

Taggart is also a real cutie.

Glad to hear Toffee is on the mend.
Shucks thanks guys, I am so chuffed and Toffee is feeling rather bashful too!


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