Red Belly Piranha - irridescent sharks-convicts


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Jul 8, 2005
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i have 1 piranha with 2 irridescent sharks,1 black shark,1 bala,and 2 convicts...

the problem is the convicts and the piranha are fighting eachother...which is kinda normal....but the 2 convics are harrasing my 2 other irridescent sharks....bit one badly till its bleeding a bit......i cant return any of the fish ... they are all getting along cuz i raised em all together...but there s a bit of chaos with the 2 convics.....
i had 2 take the 2 convics cuz my friends tank is getting eventually gonna get a bigger one too...but im just a bit worried for the irridescent thats bleeding a bit......i dont have a other tank to put him in.....but telling you guys....theres no chaos like this.....many poeple told me that i shouldnt mix species like that....but ive had proof that i can be what should i do for the irridescent ???????
What's your location, how can they be getting on when one is bleeding, how bad is the bite.
its not that bad its a bite on the tip of the tail ......its not gusking out blood its just red ... im in canada btw
Any animal shelters out there, i would phone them up to see if they can take the fish off your hands, add some melafix to the tank.
theres nothing you can do unless you get another tank or rubbermaid to house the injured fish.
you should go to the for sale forum and try and off load the aggressive ones first.
convicts when paired are very territorial and wont rest until everything in the tank is dead or they are.
how big is the tank and can you divide the convicts off at all?
We have told you what to do, you have far too many and the wrong types of fish together in the same tank, no amount of meds or TLC will make them get along and as long as they are together they will always be trying to kill each other.
ok then so its an ongoing thing then. alright, you were asked before to get rid of the fish and not put them together and you havent listened or you like to wind people up.
with these many posts and everyone telling you the same thing, then people are going to catch up with you and not help when you do seriously have a problem.
hope you had a good laugh.
my sides are splitting. :thumbs:
I agree with angel, i hope to god that it is a wind up or i would feel very bad for them fish.
guys....i dont mean to cause any trouble....i have my hands tied really thankfull for all your answers but i was just really worried for my irridescent....I CANT GET RID of any of the fish ......i was an emergency when i put those 2 convicts in there........ is there some sort of way i could help my irridescent or just let it be......???
Have you tried returning them back to the local fish store you got them from or other lfs's around you? If you can't get rid of them, your only other option is to provide them with the tanks and space they need, you simply cannot make the fish get along with each other as they are from completely different parts of the world and do not know how to co-exist which each other- its like the clash of a dozen realy big personalitys.
theres no way of getting rid of the fish
.....what you guys dont understand is that ive seen people mix species and of course some fighting happened...but they all live together happy now.....and im talking bout convicts piranhas gold fish irridescent sharks etc sure they could get used to it.....its just i was worried for my shark...
Its not going to last trust me, the current tank size is also far too small to hold any of your fish- they may look small right now but they are only babys in comparison to what they'll be in a year or so time. Your irredescent shark will enventually be 3-4ft long, which is the length or longer of your average 30gal so it won't even have room to turn around.

Also there is little point of me advising you how to save your fish other than rehome them, the shark is not going to stop getting beat up and the others will rip the hell out of each other when it does die.
I could say "yes your fish will be ok, just give them some time to get to know each other and they'll be fine" but i'd be lying if i did. You came on this forum for honest advice and there isn't going to be a single member here with an ounce of knolege on fish keeping thats going to tell you that your fish are going to co exist with each other happily.
this is what the damage looks like


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