A pic of my new cory's

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Jun 14, 2003
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I could not figure out how to post this pic in catfish, you could move it for me if you wish. Thanks Sandy


  • aeneus4.jpg
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Thanks, i think they are too cute also. :lol: That link said they are Aeneus Corys. I will just call them little puppies, got to love them, the other fish in the tank are so used to mellow lazy fish, they are looking at them like they are nuts. :lol: I wish the little guy would have made it, but only so much we can do. Sandy
I only wanted 6, but that would have left a little guy in there all by himself. :( So I took them all ,7, but lost the little guy anyway. So there are 6 in my 55 right now. Only 2 of them are full size, the rest are small, so i am guessing i got alot of young ones. The one that did not make it was not even close to an inch long yet. :look: Sandy
What a cutie. I'm glad you're excited about it. I get just as excited when I get new fish also. :)
I have a pleco, still dont know what kind, 3 skirt tetras, 2 head and tail light tetras, 2 swords, 2 guppies. That is who is in there and now 6 of those little guys. So cute. Sandy
have you seen albino cories?they are da bomb, i posted some in members aquaiums called fish please check them out they are my fav fish
what a lovely little cory :wub: ,i,m glad you got a few because they like company and they will interact with each other better.they absolutely adore algea tablets as i am sure you already know and will quite often all share one,pulling and pushing it.good fun to watch :D sorry about the little one ,it was kind of you to take it. pebbles
Thank you for all of the replys, they are too cute. Thanks to whoever moved this for me, sorry i posted in the wrong place. :rolleyes: I was sad i lost the little one :( but i tried all i could for it, and i could not leave it all alone in the tank knowing they need company. Sandy
Your heart was in the right place, i would of done it myself. Sorry you lost him, how long did he die after you bought him?
He only got to be in the tank about half hour to hour before i noticed him not moving at all. He was moving slowly after i released him, while the others were swimming everywhere. Come to think of it, he was not doing much moving at the store either, but i could not leave him in there alone. I was trying to keep an eye on him, since he was not acting good from the start. Sandy
You did a good thing,sandyd. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. At least you gave him a chance. :)

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