I found the perfect tank for me!


Fish Crazy
Jun 3, 2005
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in orange and purple, and it has cute little feet! It's $20 at the store though, but it comes with fake plant, matching gravel, goldfish food, and a filter. I might take the filter out. It is by hagen marina, and essentially is the bigger size of the 1/2 gallon betta kits. It is 1.77 gallons, and as soon as my parents let me buy fish I'm buying it, and also a bettascene corner .94 gallon plastic tank for backup, you know, as a spare in case that special little guy desides to make me buy him. ;)


  • bettascene.jpg
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Oooh I've seen them over here but they are about $40! They're great little tanks, though. I'm really tempted to buy one but I have no betta to put in it... what a dilemma... I think I can fix that easily though. :shifty:
It's always good to have back up tanks just incase! :D (I had about 5-6 back ups and now they're all being used for rescue--see my post about betta rescue for the occupents :p )

Thos tanks you want to get are cute. Are they a gallon per side? I love the shape of them. (PLus purple is my fav color! :p )
no the attached pic is the bettascene with removable devider, which I will certainly remove! The whole thing is .94 gallons.
I'm braving walmart (which I am afraid of) tomarow to se if they have these cheeper. Wish me luck, I hope I come out alive. :blink:
yes, if I make it out alive with a betta or two I wont be as soon as I get into the car and my mom sees them! Heck, I don't even know if this particular one sells fish! I hope they don't for my own good and for the fish!
Well, like we always say: it's always easier to ask forgiveness than ask permission!! Haha... it's all good. Once your mom sees how CUTE they are, she just won't be able to say no. :p
If the filter is one of the Mini Elite types, I'd pull it out. They geberally have too much current, especially for bettas with really long tails.
The sparkly tank looks annoying...... It would be good for a little girls room........or maybe a informal living room.....
Hmmm.. This (copy from my post on another forum) Happened:

Today I braved walmart and they had only one betta boy left, healthy and in a cup that must have been 1/2 gallon! There was a sign for crowntails too. They were $5.49. There was only room to store about 10 betta cups at a time, and away in the place the employees stand (even though there were no employees in sight) so stupid people couldn't put them together! I really wanted that little guy and I cryed afterward, because even though my mom admitted to me she knew that he wouldn't be a problem and that she wouldn't even notice him because he would be in my room and that I had enough cash for him, a 1 gallon tank, food, and dechlorinator, and I alreaddy have gravel and silk plants, she forbade me to buy him. She said if I even tryed to they would take Oslo away. (who isn't a problem at all, btw, even though they started threatening to give him away when they said before that I could keep him forever.) Oslo is my baby so I didn't dare try to take the little brown veil tail. When I made her come and look at him, she said "He either thinks you have food or he wants to fight you." when he swam up to me and danced around, but he wasn't flairing.
Every time I mention another animal my mom and stepdad get very tense and nervous and snappy and imedatly change the subject by accusing me and making me feel really bad. That or they just pertend like they never heard me and stare me down. Every time I cautiously come up to them and in a soft tone ask them if they could please explain why they don't want me to have anything living that requires care, even a very small potted cactus, they get really mad, and say "Because that is just one more thing to care for." And then I point out that I have hours of free time I spend drawing or reading the same would be boring books I have read 4 times before. They quickly end the coversation.

they also had $10 aquaveiws, I almost bought one to keep for when they finally crack, if ever.

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