Betta Emergancy Help please


Oct 25, 2004
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Im posting for a friend of mine.

She has a betta almost 2 years of age. He was doing fine till about a week ago when he seemed very legarthic and hanging at the top.

It was then she noticed a tiny spot on his dorsal fin. She couldnt remember if it was always there or not.

now he sits at the top, just sitting there. Barely moves, but when he does, he sometimes swims erratically, in circles. He kind of flops from one side to another as he swims, like he doesn't have good balance anymore.

Started out like this..

Then he looked like this:

and now he looks like this:

is it too late for him? :( :no:

some of those links dont work properly, cant fix it. you just have to copy and paste it. thanks
Well, I can't see the last three pics...but the general rule is, if in doubt, raise the temp and add some salt. I really haven't seen something like that before.My guess is that spot is not the problem. Does he look like he has anything on him? Like salt or sand or gold specks? Take a flashlight to him. Any fungus? Is his poop white and stringy?
almost like that, styx.

and no, nothing else on him other than that odd spot.

copy and paste the URL to see, some reason it isnt working properly, no matter how many times I try to fix it
Hmm... all I can say is either it is just a coloring issue, or he has an ulcer or something... Try using half the dose of pimafix and melafix, I find a drop of each can work wonders, and raise the temp with salt. If it is a rotting thing or an ulcer, that should help.
is he acting ..normal?

side pic

looks like the part is rotting away

i think its body rot this is wat i got from

SYMPTOMS: Fins and or tail start rotting away, usually starting from the edge, but sometimes it starts at the base of the fin (especially dorsal) and attacks the body directly. Diseases progresses rapidly and as the tissues are being eaten away, you might see the fins bones stick out (yuk). Once fins have been consumed, rot will proceed onto the body. At this stage the disease is hard to reverse although the betta might continue to live for months if treated properly. If not treated, it will die promtly (and probably suffers quite a bit :(( ).

TREATMENT: Do a full jar water change. Preferably provide a new jar. You must combine several medications to have a chance to stop this thing. Use "Ampicillex” by Aquatronics and double the dose if needed, and use at the same time tetracycline. These medications comes in capsules. A full capsule treats 10 gal of water. So for a 1/2 gallon of water, open the capsule and take the right proportion of powder and sprinkle on jar water. You may steer gently with a disposable plastic spoon. Tetracycline might turn the color of the water to a dark yellow or red. Overmedicate a little might help! Change water every third day and add a new dose of same medication. Continue until fins/tail stop receding and start showing some new growth. It may take up to 4 weeks to work, so don’t give up. Once healing starts you can ease up on the heavy medication and switch to bettamax, which will prevent the bacteria from multiplying again. Change jar and sanitize old jar every week until healed.

A small pinch of Aquarium salt will also help the healing process.


  • rotting_betta.jpg
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Wow... poor little guy. I wish she would have noticed his fin rot earlier... looks like it's gone too far to really save him, but you could prolong his life. Definitely good advice from Infant. Hang in there little one...
Poor guy! why didn't I see it before? In the first pic you can see the rot on the edge of the fins moving down to his body. :blink:

this is the update of Ty (the betta).

her quote:

"when I finished with his water change and did the salt, stress coat and all that, I left the room for a while.. when I came back,he was on his side and I freaked out, thinking he'd been too stressed by the water change. I ran over to see and he jumped from the movement.. so, I can tell he's not got very good balance anymore.. he sits there in the water and starts to roll to one side. He'll almost get to one side before righting himself"
It is ok. It is his time for him to go than keep suffering like this. I really don't know what is that black rotten mole and it is kind like virus infection growth or some invades keep deteriorate the flesh. Scary to look at it.
this side is worse:


whats the best way to let him go? I know she wont beable to cull him as the sites instructs. (hitting him hard in the head, ect)

just incase she decides to let him go

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