New Member
This is my fairly new 50 gallon "show" (36"x24"x16") planted tank.
Filtration is accomplished by an Eheim Ecco 2236 and a HOT Magnum with sponge pre-filter. It has a Visa-therm 150 watt heater, a Hagen Nutrfin CO2 system, and a faux rock ledge for my Red Claw crabs.
Fish include a duo of Koi angels, 4 black mollies, dwarf corys, bandit corys, SAE, Bristlenose Pleco, a few various tetras, one reclusive Spotted Rafael Cat, and three red claw crabs.
Plants include Apons, crypts, anubias, rotala sp, wysteris, Lobelia sp, amazon swords, one ozelot sword. and some broad leaf Ludwigia. I've got a sand base with 2" of Flora Base substrate. Regular liquid supplements and a little over 2 watts/gallon.
Filtration is accomplished by an Eheim Ecco 2236 and a HOT Magnum with sponge pre-filter. It has a Visa-therm 150 watt heater, a Hagen Nutrfin CO2 system, and a faux rock ledge for my Red Claw crabs.
Fish include a duo of Koi angels, 4 black mollies, dwarf corys, bandit corys, SAE, Bristlenose Pleco, a few various tetras, one reclusive Spotted Rafael Cat, and three red claw crabs.
Plants include Apons, crypts, anubias, rotala sp, wysteris, Lobelia sp, amazon swords, one ozelot sword. and some broad leaf Ludwigia. I've got a sand base with 2" of Flora Base substrate. Regular liquid supplements and a little over 2 watts/gallon.