55 Gal planted


Fish Herder
Dec 1, 2004
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I wanted to post a few more pics now that my tank is clear and has some fish in it. I ahve 6 serpae tetra in there at the moment. Sadly I lost my 2 angels about 48 hours after I got them due to some type of fungus which I didn't see until a couple hours after I put them in. I tried to save them but I guess it was to late. I did a water change and made sure my tank was alright then I put in 6 red serpae tetra. They've been in there for a couple days swimming around, healthy and happy. :)

Anyway heres the pics. There are 5 pics.

Full tank picture.


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Some of my plants pearling like usually. :p


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Since I've never posted a side shot.. here's one.. clear as ever.


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A picture of one of my serpae swimming around one of the sag bushes.


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Another one of my serpae swimming underneath two of my wisteria plants.


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Man, awsome aquascaping! And waht bright greens! Im envious! :angry: LOL!

When i buy plants, i dont keep them in bunches. I remove the steel band, and place seperate shoots throughout the tank them propagate to get more. Do you like planting in clumps or did u just plant away? :p Anyways, it sure will look sweat when they fill out! ;)
mr_miagi32 said:
Man, awsome aquascaping! And waht bright greens! Im envious! :angry: LOL!

When i buy plants, i dont keep them in bunches. I remove the steel band, and place seperate shoots throughout the tank them propagate to get more. Do you like planting in clumps or did u just plant away? :p Anyways, it sure will look sweat when they fill out! ;)

I like the wisteria like a bush I think it looks cool. Later one I may seperate them but seeing as they are growing well and all the leaves are green I'm leaving all the plants alone for now. Thanks for all the compliments. I'm still trying to figure what else to add I'm taking my time I don't want to add something I won't be happy with. I was going to get a trio of siamese algae eaters but there are no TRUE ones in any stores around me. There are only flying foxes and chinese algae eaters. The lfs's around me insist that they are but the name doesn't say they are and they don't match the pictures I found online. They also insist they all act the same, which they do when they are young but not when the age.

I'm thinking about some adding cories next. Maybe otos later on once my tank has been established for a while.

Yah my plants are growing a really well. The swords were getting a little transparents but I added some flourish tabs and they are coming back. I also added a little liquid fertilizer which really seems to have helped with the others.
Very nice looking. I need to know how everyone gets such great ideals for all those beautiful tanks. Good job that first picture :kewlpics: :kewlpics: :kewlpics: :kewlpics: :kewlpics: :kewlpics:

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