Stripped an electric blue....


Aug 23, 2003
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Toon Town
So, my cousin, "slinky" who is a member here too, needed some more fish, so I offered to strip some of my fish to populate one of his I stripped one of the blues, I ended up getting 6 albinos!!! :eek: I don't think albino sciaenochromis fryeri are all that a matter of fact, I have never even heard of them before, so I am pretty excited about having them, hope you like em too. :)

As you can see, not all of them were albino from the spawn.


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How very odd :blink:
They sure are cute though... wonder how they'll look when full grown
That's what I am wondering....if they will get any blue on them at all?? :huh:
That's pretty cool....and weird at the same time
Do you think she had albino genes in her before?

Congrats :thumbs:

You know Chris, we have stripped a <@$#@>load of Candace's africans and never got an albino...that is pretty freakin' cool.
Dwarf_Dude: One of the parents musta..... :huh:

Michael Roth: I know! I have had over 5000 babies when I lived in Calgary alone, and never had an albino, ever, now, every time I strip my fish, I seem to be getting something weird, I am so excited about these guys, and there are actually 7, not 6. :p

Dwarfs: I sure hope they look good....:p

Silver: I don't know for sure, I have had albino ruby reds before, but, I never bred them, I am not sure how that works, but I am assuming that you will either get albinos again, or just regular fish..I am pretty excited to test it a YEAR...hahaha :lol: see......when an african cichlid mates, it holds the eggs in it's mouth until the babies are mature enough to be able to swim around on their own....however, most of the fish in the tank don't much give a crap about this activity and the action of populating the tank and just look at the new babies as food....of course that is how it is in the wild as well, but in a tank, it is a little more closed in. So, when the female has incubated the fish to a later stage you can catch her (the mom), and basically "steal" the babies from her, by prying her mouth open and she will spit the babies out for you into a net.....that is stripping. :p
oh yea i see... kinda like some moutbrooders you have to lay them on a table or hang them upside down head first in the water and massage the gills or something ... right?!?!
They are SOOOO cute fm :wub: Love the albinoes :nod:

Looks like I am going to have to ue your technique to strip the babies off my EY (I want her to spit before tomorrow night as I am going away the day after that and am worried she will eat them if she spits them when I am away).....
daudy_dojo said:
oh yea i see... kinda like some moutbrooders you have to lay them on a table or hang them upside down head first in the water and massage the gills or something ... right?!?!
exactly that.

OH MY GOSH :eek:

STealing babies Chris!!!?????????

We MUST add that to your list of "BAD" fish keeping habits :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Uhhhh, that was a joke by the way!!!!! :* :* :* :flowers:

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