My 5g planted tank


Fish Fanatic
Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Norfolk, UK
Here are a few pics, it's a bit blurred bacause i had to turn the flash of to remove the white reflection and this means that the camera has to be kept still.

:EDIT: how do i add more then one pic?


    43.4 KB · Views: 36
its a hex? Does it have an underground filter?
what kind of fish will or are in that? Really only betta or two guppies can live in that small a tank. Actually dwarf platties, as they are 1/2 inch at max. But like 3 as you have a hex. An otto or two maybe as well. But really that is all.
It is a hex and I worked out the gallons in a different way. The filter is a elite stingray 10 which is for a tank twice the size. I have also now got a larger air pump in it so it's not like the water is crap!
did anyone ever say the water is crap?

You are new, so I will explain something. The 5 gallons are a very small amount of water. It is easier for a tank so small to get messed up with the levels and all. Also sence tha tanks is so small you cant have that many fish in there.

Now a hex is even worse, as there is a small foot print, and the fish dont have much room to move, basically swimming up and down. that means that you can have less fish. There are very few that you can keep in such a small tank.

Now when it comes to the filter, it doesnt make a diffrence of the typoes of fish you can keep or the numbers in such a small tank.

Personally I think that a female betta would be nice in that tank, then maybe two ottos, but that really is about it.
well firstly im not new and my tank has been set up like that for ages. The levels have never been bad and the oxygen level is good. :p
but it still dopesnt effect the fish you can have.

what fish are you planning on having, or what fish do you have?
from his profile he has

5 Gallon Hexagon Tank

1) 1 male and 1 female honey? Gormami

2) 2 upside down catifish

3) 5 tetra's

prob jumping to conclusions but a 5 is way way to small for those fish

appologies if they are not in there :/

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