Aphyosemion australe


Fish Addict
Mar 26, 2003
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Here are 2 pics of the 1 male Aphyosemion australe which I finally picked up for another fish enthusiast last weekend.
I got 2 pairs.
I'm hopeing to breed them again. It has been around 20 years since I've had and bred them.


  • Aaustrale1.jpg
    26.7 KB · Views: 44
and another shot.


  • Aaustrale.jpg
    19.3 KB · Views: 48
Nice example of Australe (Orange). Beautiful fish. Nice to see a Killifish post, they're few and far between around here.
WOW!!! :drool: What an adorable and interesting specimen elgecko!!!

What exactly IS a killifish?? They aren't cichlids I gather, or loaches right?

Hmmmmmm, I like :shifty:
Killifish are small egglaying toothcarps. Killi means small pool or creek. Generally maintained in species tanks. Although some can be kept in community aquaria.
See link below for some more data.
which species can be kept in a community then it doesnt say i did i miss that bit, i would like to get one.... :)
Thanks for the comments everyone.

The one for your avater is very nice. Is that one of yours?
The one for your avater is very nice. Is that one of yours?
The picture in my avatar is not actually my own personal fish ( I haven't got the patience to wait for a shot like that). However I do keep and maintain that particular species. It is Diapteron Georgiae. A small killifish species from Gabon. They grow to around 3.5cms. They are considered to be one of the harder species to breed and rear in large numbers. They need live foods as they will not take to dry or frozen readily.
Other species in the genus for you to Google are:
Diapteron Fulgens
Diapteron Cyanostictum
Diapteron Abacinum
Diapteron Seegersi
If you need any more info, just ask.
which species can be kept in a community then it doesnt say i did i miss that bit, i would like to get one....
In the main killifish should be kept in species tanks due to a number of factors. Some are small/timid. Some are large and boisterious. Most like different water conditions and temperatures from your average community tank. Some however can be kept in community aquaria. The ones I would look out for are;
Aphyosemion Australe (Chocolate or Orange)
Aphyosemion Striatum
Fundulopanchax Gardneri (various locations and colour forms)
Epiplatys Dageti
to name but a few, there are others, but these are considered as standard killifish for the beginner.
Try to steer clear of Aplochelius Lineatus or Lineatus Gold (Golden Wonders) as they are fine when they are small but they grow quite large and are predatory.

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