female bettas


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2005
Reaction score
England, Hampshire
do female bettas display their finnage like males?
I am asking this as i have what i think could possibly be a male palkat rather than a female, i have tried to upload a picture on another topic but am unable to do so.
any help will be most appreciated.
a simple yes they do or no they dont will tell me if my fish is male or female.
as this he/she fish does display
well a simple yes no answer is not something you will be getting, and a bit snotty that you post that that is all you want as well.

It does depend on the betta, some flare fins while others dont.

A good way to tell the sex of the fish is

1. females have egg tudes, check for a white dot or tube under her stomach area

2. male plakats have a little diffrent body shape from the females

3. the plakats fins are also diffrently shaped than that of a female.

So look for plakat and female betta pics and compare yours with those.
excuse me, i am new to this, and was not being snotty as you say. just because some of the members know heaps more than others on here does not give them the right to make us less knowledgeable ones feel stupid.
i did not relise some females do, so instead of you being snotty as u call it to me, you could have simply said some do
wrs - you seem to be to one getting snotty tonight... take a breather and a few deep breaths :sly:
wrs, that was uncalled for, the only snotty reply I saw was yours!

lvlv~ Yes, the girls can be just as flashy and flarey as the boys. The best way to tell if it's a girl is to look near her ventrals for a white egg spot :thumbs:
soory, didnt mean it to sound like that.

I read your post wrong, I though it said a simple yes or no, dont go one about stuff, or something like that. I tend to read quickly.

why not post a pic of the fish.
It's not a spot as in a different color of gills. It is a small white protusion from the bottom of the fish. That marks them as female...except in the case of some young (and not so young!) males.
The white egg-spot (ovipositor) should be protruding from the abdomen, between the anal fin and ventral (pelvic) fins. Hope the attached pictures will give you a better idea. :)


  • ovipositor.JPG
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