My Fat Cat


Fish Herder
Jun 24, 2004
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Ontario, Canada Name: Rich
here she is, last time she was weighed she was at 19 pounds i think but i haven't weighed her in a long time... :unsure:


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She's cute...although I can't really see face because she seems to be licking herself :p How old is she? I have a 14 pound cat that I'm trying to get to loose some weight but at least I know I'm not the only one with a fat cat ;)
i'm not too sure how old she is, she was dropped off by one of my neighbours friends but he had moved so she was a stray i guess, she followed my mom up our driveway one day and it was downpouring and i mean it was raining VERY hard, my mom left her out there but when she came in she told me there was a cat out there and to go get it and hide it in my room (from my dad), she slept on my pillow that whole night but when i woke up the next morning i noticed my door was open and the cat was gone and i thought 'uh oh' but when i went downstairs my dad was playing with her and we've had her ever since
Wow. She's even bigger than my cat, who's weighing in at 17 pounds at only a year and a half old.
great pic Mr bones
s/he looks just like my Thomas, who is 1.5 stones (19lbs)
lovely cat but you really need to get her on a diet or she will end up with all sorts of health problems just like humans diabetis etc. I can tell she is well loved but give her the choice. God now i'm sounding like a right cow don't take any offense, maybe get the vet to check her out and see what he says. :thumbs: :*)
are you refering to mine?

if so you should know that Thomas has some Oriental in him,
therefor his is big boned to start with.
I have had a vet check him out and other than the fact that he,
like some people, just puts on weight (regardless of how little you feed)
is in perfect health.
MrBones and The Wolf: Both cats are lovely :wub:

My cat weighs 14-15 pounds and I cant seem to get him to loose weight. He was on a diet food but he didn't loose weight at all. He's pretty active now and he's on regular Meow Mix. He goes to the vet and tell me he's fine. He looks pretty fat to me though. Some cats just have a slow metabolism (like some humans do) and cant really loose weight easily.

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