I hope this is of some use to you.
Temperature 70-74 ºF
Swimming Range Middle
Adult Length 8-10 inches
Feeding Habits Fresh spinach, zucchini, peas and lettuce. Frozen plankton, vegetable diet, daphnia, beef heart, brine shrimp, glass worms and blood worms. Tablet and Pellet foods also accepted. Live plants will be eaten, so use as a food source.
Compatibility A peaceful goldfish. Has trouble competing for food. Should only be kept with other Celestial Eye or Bubble Eye goldfish.
Decorations should not have any sharp points on them, otherwise they could injure their eyes.
Rather delicate and sensitive to the cold, prone to eye infections. Average life span is 6-7 years
Personally I hate the look of them, but each to their own.